Fatigue and Wiltshire a Farm Foods

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One thing that has come as quite a surprise is how much worse the fatigue has become over the last 4 or 5 days. I found that even taking a shower yesterday I felt exhausted washing my hair and had to stop for a break. I'm also sleeping for much longer over night so I'm not getting going till quite late morning.

I have been managing a Wiltshire Farm Foods meal each day but I've found now that the soft option is better than the purreed as it has a bit more texture to it. I know part of the problem is that I'm probably not taking in enough calories as well. I'd been struggling with Ensure recently because I'd been put on the compact ones but I'm adding extra milk to them now and have gone back to chocolate which I've been off for a while. First follow up appointment tomorrow. I predict I will be told off about the weight loss.

  • FormerMember

    Hello DLC ... yes, the tiredness can certainly hit hard some days and it can last for quite a while so the best thing is to listen to your body and rest / sleep whenever you need. Even after six years I will have a lazy pj day ... usually at the weekends, especially if the weather is dreadful.

    I'm glad that you are managing the Wiltshire meals, they are an absolute boon when you don't feel like cooking / chopping / blending for one person. I also used to get told off about my weight, too. Keep trying with the Ensures and enjoy the chocolate !

    Good luck with your appointment tomorrow and put a couple of weights in your pocket for the dietician's weigh-in : )

    Joycee x

  • I was thinking of wear steel capped boots. I'm not ridiculously under weight, in fact a year before all this started I lost 4.5 stone at Slimming world so I'm back at just below my target weight. I did put on almost 18lb before RT a which was a good move but I realise that if I'm loosing weight now my body isn't getting what it needs to repair, so while part of me is quietly pleased to be back where I was, the other part knows I need the calories for recovery. Plus I'm still dying to get those chocolate buttons down me- the sweepstake still runs!!!!