what next

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my mum rang me tonight to check i was ok ,she sounds so normal not like she has lung cancer. me still feeling out of control.   when i read every ones blogs they always seem so up beat, me i feel scared , angry , and pissed of i dont know how to handle this  , i still wish it was me and not her. will i get to the stage when im like every one else just take it as it comes. did others feel like this


  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracy,

    We all have felt as you do at some time or another. There

    will come a time when you realise that you have to accept that your Mums not very well. When that time comes you will deal with it in your own way. It wont be easy but you will get through it.  You look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracy,

    As Sarsfield has just said time will bring the acceptance. it wont happen overnight and I dare say you will still have those feelings occasionally, I do. I just decided to spend that energy being with mum.

    Hope this helps.

    Hugs Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracy, I know what you mean. Every post you are reading everybody seems so upbeat, but, I think a lot of us are putting a brave face on things and trying to be positive.

    We have all been where you are hun. It's perfectly understandable that you want to take your mum's suffering from her, but she would be feeling the same if it was you who was suffering.

    What you are feeling is perfectly normal, the fear, the anger etc. These feelings will lessen somewhat as time goes on, not saying they will go completely, but things change.

    Just remember to keep coming on  here and get some much needed support. No-one will ever judge you, I promise.

    Thinking of you, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracy

    I may have posted a good few positive blogs etc.  But I have also posted a few real lows too.  We do try to be positive, but the emphasis is on the word 'trying' because it's a real effort to do it sometiimes.

    You are no different to the rest of us in the range of emotions you're feeling right now, and only by posting can you dump these thoughts where they should be, and get some positive feedback from the community.

    In your own time, you'll find your way through this, and in the meantime and for as long as you need us, we're all here for you.

    Lots of love, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    hi all, every thing ok . weird every thing seems a weird dream.  at the moment. mum sounds realy normal and just like her old self funny its not until you realise that you might lose them that you value them more .  We will be glad when we find out her treatment plan on thurs  anyway write later t xxxx