Tomorow is the day

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Hi all. Getting a bit scared now . Yesterday i took mum to do tests , she had to breath into a machine,she did look realy vulnerable sitting into a box breathing into a machine. She is very brave . Is it normal that since she found out that she has non curable cancer she hasnt cried ,she dosen' t talk about it either, of course i have, never with her though ,only once when we found out about it. funny im the big brave daughter when with her.  love you mum. any way thursday we get her treatment plan, im scared,  what if they say no treatment , just to keep her going that would be awful im so not ready to see her go i need more time. funny never been one to see my own gp 10 years only seen him once since finding out about mum weekly visits any way im sure will write later Tracy xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracy

    Hope your Mum is managing to eat and get some rest.  I'm not surprised she hasn't cried yet, or talked about it much.  I didn't either at first.  I think it's because it just feels like there's no point saying anything because it won't change anything.  

    However, I did eventually, when I realised I wasn't going to be around for my girls for as long as they might need me.  I'm sure your Mum will too, in her own time.  Maybe once she has all the information on Thursday, she'll want to ask questions.

    For the moment, just concentrate on getting her physically strong for whatever treatment is going to be offered, and make sure you both get plenty of sleep.  Things always feel worse when you're exhausted and your brain has difficulty coping with stuff, so don't let that happen to either of you.

    I know it feels like you'll not cope till Thursday, but you will.  Whether your Mum wants to talk about it or not, cry about it or not, non verbal communication is just as important.  Lots of hugs can make a bad day bearable - so look after each other and keep the hugs coming.

    I'll be hoping for the very best for you both tomorrow.  Keeping everything crossed.

    Lots of love, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    BIG HUGS for you Tracy xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracy,

    Just to wish you and your Mum all the very best for tomorrow.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracy,

    just to wish you and your mum all the  best for tomorrow and sending you lots of strengh.

    lots of love

    Annette xx