Like i said, im sorry.

Less than one minute read time.

Look, i know i probably upset a couple people today, but you have no idea how upset i am. I wont be back in chat for a few days, I dont feel welcome in there anymore. And i feel i have lost one of my closest mac friends!!!!!!!!

I never intended to hurt anyone but i must have, Like i keep saying, Im really sorry. I feel so invisible in that room sometimes.. Its like the new song says....

Even when I'm walking on a wire
Even when I sat myself on fire
Why do I always feel invisible, invisible
Everyday I try to look my best
Even though inside I'm such a mess
Why do I always feel invisible, invisible

Im sorry, maybe i hoped people would understand me, Must have got it wrong!! Its so hard, Trying to hold yourself together when all you want to do is sit in a dark room and cry!

I dont know what to say to you! sorry

  • FormerMember

    Hi Always

    We havnt spoken but I dont think it you

    The chat room has changed i been going on and off for two years i dont go has much has i used but i pop on one evening only one person said hello and that was in private we always said hello and good bye

    I know you cant see names coming up who talking now

    i must say i got a lot of support of Chat when v was ill 

    love to you all

    love Janicexx

  • FormerMember

    Chat is strange. I never go there - Old Chat moved too fast for me to keep up with (especially with cancer brain!), and I've never tried the new version. But, from what people say, I would guess it's the chat facility, not you. Please don't be hurt and upset - that's the complete opposite of what this site is for.


    - Hilary


  • FormerMember

    used to go on.....but when my ex partner got remission.....and i was asked in the chat room i felt like a total intruder. havent been back since



  • FormerMember

    hello always

    ive only been in chat a couple of times and felt a bit like an intruder as people in there all seemed to know each other , so not been in since

    im sure that you will never have intentionally upset anyone and if that was the case then surely they can see the bigger picture and know nothing like that was intended

    we should all know on this site that life is far too short for all that sort of thing , please dont feel alone sending you love and hugs xxxxxxxx  irene