Like i said, im sorry.

Less than one minute read time.

Look, i know i probably upset a couple people today, but you have no idea how upset i am. I wont be back in chat for a few days, I dont feel welcome in there anymore. And i feel i have lost one of my closest mac friends!!!!!!!!

I never intended to hurt anyone but i must have, Like i keep saying, Im really sorry. I feel so invisible in that room sometimes.. Its like the new song says....

Even when I'm walking on a wire
Even when I sat myself on fire
Why do I always feel invisible, invisible
Everyday I try to look my best
Even though inside I'm such a mess
Why do I always feel invisible, invisible

Im sorry, maybe i hoped people would understand me, Must have got it wrong!! Its so hard, Trying to hold yourself together when all you want to do is sit in a dark room and cry!

I dont know what to say to you! sorry

  • FormerMember

    Sweetheart I am sure you haven't upset people.  Thing is an online facility like this is something people tend to use when they have time and sometimes there are other priorities.

    We all feel alone and invisible sometimes but this is really not the case as the feeling of being alone is usually brought on by not physically being with anybody at the time.  There is a big difference!

    Keep your chin up honey and if you want to offload on me please feel free to do so.

    Much love,

    Chrissie xxx

  • FormerMember


    I haven't heard about you upsetting anyone.

    Sometimes chat can be a strange place - we all seem to feel we are 'invisible' sometimes. I'm quite certain it is not intentional on anyone's part - but sometimes people get so engrossed  in one line discussion that they sadly tend to overlook someone who is not actively participating. 

    And what of course makes things worse is the new chat which is much less friendly than the old one, as we don't see who is typing, it is difficult to see who is new in the room - the colours around the name  box are horrible and many people try to avoid looking on that side of the screen.

    Even if you did upset someone - just send them a PM and sort it out in a friendly way. Lots of us have had bad days - sadly its a nature of our disease or situation. Don't worry about it .

    Look forward to seeing you in chat soon.

    best wishes



  • FormerMember


    I am not upset with you.  xx


  • FormerMember

    I just cannot stand the new chat.

    • It is unfriendly.
    • You have to be watching the screen 100% of the time to tell what is going on.
    • There are only visual warnings of people joining the room or leaving it.
    • There is no indication people are writing a reply so you feel alone.
    • No noise accompanies the addition of a new message so if you happen to not be looking at the screen you can miss it.
    • All the Avatars are the same so you have to constantly read who is responding.
    • The colours are reminicent of the Upstairs Downstairs programme of the early 1970's; especially the green.

    My biggest regret is that the character of the room has so altered that it ceases to be the friendly place it once was.

    If I am upset with anyone Gracie, I am upset with myself for nottrying to prevent the backward step of allowing the change to the chat room.

    Charles xx

  • FormerMember
    Upstairs Downstairs.png
    Title caption for Upstairs, Downstairs 1971–1975