
Less than one minute read time.

I feel like i should be appologising for something, Iv been poorly and low for a few days now, And no-matter how many people i talk to about it, i still feel the same way.

It's horrible to say this, But i wish it wasnt my mum who got ill, I obviously dont wish this awful illness on anybody, But the scare that it may return is eating me away, And i cant seem to live for today!!

I mean - Im 18! I should be out living my life, Having fun. Instead im coped up at home in my room, Hiding away, In a depressed state, Or Im at work, And thats hardly a 'fun' life now is it.?

Like i said, i feel like i should be appologising, Simply because i feel all i do is moan, and everyone else has their own issues. They dont need my 'poop' ontop aswell.

Take care all.

Gracie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Gracie

    We all feel like this throughout the journey we are on with this horrible disease, it does not matter if you are the patient or the carer.

    I am a carer too and you want to do all you can for the one you love during their illness and believe me it is very hard indeed you will go through so many emotions some which are unique to your circumstances but others we all share.

    I have noticed you on the Chat room and that is good as everyone on there is so kind and supportive as well as able to provide you with advise.  I find it a great help.  

    Do you have someone you can talk to face to face,  a best frient or a favourite aunty?  You need support also.  You can also ring the Macmillan helpline.

    Take care of yourself gracie  - hugs and Kisses.

    Speak to you soon on chat.

    Mandy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  • FormerMember

    hi Gracie, you should talk to friends or the macmillans although i find chat quite hard to follow and remember every one your so young to be dealing with this on your own you do find it helpfull with support and talking about it, talk to your mum my daughters took a while but when they talked to me about their feelings it brought a bit of a wall down between us and we cope better now we all have bad days too but talking laughing crying they all help see you on chat  xx

  • FormerMember

    Take care Gracie, it is so hard, but you will get there and enjoy your life again, but may be a little helping hand from your GP is required, or someone you can talk to. x