Watching dad die

1 minute read time.

Has anyone else watched a love one have a traumatic death. My father has lung cancer Mesothelioma due to Asbestos. He went into the hospice over 2 weeks ago to sort out his meds as he had become toxic with the over use of morphine. He had terrible withdrawl symptoms, twitching, hallucinations, confusion it was very painful to watch. A week later the hospice told us that dad was to weak to come home and that he may only have a few days to live. We waited and waited and a week on he is still with us. Dad said he feels horrible, can hardly breath, he said he never thought it would be like this and we agree. He wants it to be over. He has pleaded with the doctor to give him an injection but of course they can't do that. We just want his suffering to end. He has been on a syringe driver for the last 3 days and they have given him a heavy sedative to knock him out. Sorry if this scares people but we never talk about how people die. I suppose some of us have difficult births and some of us have difficult deaths. Thanks for listening.

  • FormerMember

    Hello Selina - so sorry to read your story.  My husband also had Meso and died in February this year.  His pain was out of control and there was no room in the local hospice so he went into hospital so they could try to get the pain under control.  He then developed a chest infection and died in the hospital a week later.  They did seem to control the pain for him but at one stage he said to me "I'm so ill" and that broke my heart.  On the night he died he actually said "I'm dying, I'm dying" and then closed his eys and went.  We were lucky that we were all there (my two children and myself) and I am grateful for that.  Love to you and your family and I will be thinking of you

  • FormerMember

    hello selina my hubby passed away on the 12th of june ..he had lung cancer i nursed him at home ,although they had his pain under control his agitation was terrible to watch ..i miss him so much ..i`m so sorry your father has to suffer heart goes out to you ....xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Selina, my mum died on 28th April 2012, was taken in into the hospice on the Friday) with what they thought was an adverse reaction to meds. They found she had a water infection which they tried to treat. On the Monday they thought it best is she stayed in, she was complaining about feeling as if her whole body was itching - which they said was the meds, thankfully for her she slipped in and out of sleep, they started injections on the Wednesday night and the Thursday she went on the syringe. It was hard sitting there watching her sleep most of the time but every so often would suddenly open her eyes as if she was ok but would slowly slip back again. In the end on the Saturday morning at 6am she took a deep breath and went. I am so sorry to hear what you dad is going through it is really difficult watching someone you love suffer so much. Mum also asked them to end it, which like you say they cant. My thoughts are with you xx

  • FormerMember

    Dad passed away early this morning 1st July in his sleep we were to late to say goodbye, but I think dad wanted it that way. The suffering is now over. Thank you all for sharing your experiences with me. You are all amazing. Hugs. Selina

  • FormerMember

    Hello Selina,

    Im so sorry, its so hard for your Dad and the family.

    My Dad passed away at home 21yrs ago with lung and bowel cancer almost 3wks after diagnosis (They had given him 2-3 days). We think his lung cancer was due to Asbestos too as he worked in the dockyard for years. Recently I found out that I have traces on my lungs also due to transfer from his clothes.

    In the last week of his life he began to sleep more and more due to the meds increasing in strength. He died peacefully on Sunday 1st April 1991.  

    It was very hard when he first came home, knowing and seeing him in such pain and discomfort. The hardest thing was not being able to help him, just having to watch and wait.

    Thankfully things have improved greatly over the past 21yrs and much more help and advice is out there.

    Talking about losing a loved one is very difficult at any time, even harder when you know the inevitable is near.

    I hope your Dad has a peaceful passing Selina. My thoughts are with you and your family. xx