So this is how it is.......

1 minute read time.

Where do I begin?

My lovely man finally found his rest and truly deserved peace. And I don't know how I will ever make sense of all this, or if I will ever begin to forget the awful awful nights. 

I never saw it coming, though I 'knew.' He waited till I'd left the room. Death is never how you expect and I have seen a few deaths now. As someone said today, Well, you are an orphan and a widow in the space of a year.

I cannot begin to comprehend the aggression of my loved one's cancer. What the hell was that disease? Where did it come from? How did it get there? WHY was it there? Why? Why? Why?

And now I know my David will not come back. And I just don't know what the rest of life is about and if it is worth having. And people write the most amazing emails about my man and I cry. Jesus, I cry and cry and the tears cannot wash away the pain. Will they ever? My GP rang and was so kind and said how much everyone will miss David. Could he do anything for me? I asked him to cut my head off, but he said he wasn't allowed. Shame.

I know I will get through this but I don't know how. Just now, the rain rains and rains and rains. And please tell me, what was all that about? What did it mean? 

I\d better stop.

Very very very Little Jen



  • FormerMember

    Oh heck, my friends. You are making me blub all over the keys . What truly lovely warm kind and amazing human beings you all are.(Oops, minima, is Wee Dug a little four-legged doggy?)

    LM, as ever, your messages are full of courage and funniness and strength & I don;t know how you manage it but thank you. (Will reply to your private message properly. It just bowled me over. It was so moving.)

    Today has been quiet, with phone calls to answer and more people to tell. A friend sent 4 enormous special home-made meals, neighbours pop cards through the door. Truly, the spirit of human kindness is all around.

    Tomorrow I think it will be time to collect my beautiful Brin (hairy lurcher) from a friend's where he has been staying. I miss him and he is a good mop for my tears, but I wish he hadn't peed on the bedroom rug. 

    We have had a bit of a tidy. Sometimes, cleaning is therapeutic (rest of the time it's a pain.)

    Well my friends, I wish you all well. To those of you who,like me, are feeling a bit lost, let's follow LM's advice about the Baby Steps. To those of you who are struggling with your treatment, I would wish I could squeeze your hand and sit by you to wish you strength. And to those of you waiting for news, I send only good things to distract you and make the time pass.

    Let us search out our best warrior armour, clean it up and set it on one side ready for use quite soon perhaps. I may even open the sabre case, you never know.

    Hugs all round,

    Small but occasionally bigger LJ X


  • FormerMember

    Sorry for making you blub more!! and thanks for your kind words about me lovely little person. Don't feel i deserve them for blabbing on to a friend in need, but glad to be of some help. Accept all the hlep you can get from your 3D friends- meals, shopping, cleaning whatever. It helps them feel they are doing something too so mutual benefit !!

    Get your dog back, you need a snuggly dog to bury your face into and dogs understand.

    So, tonight you have me with my knitting needle ready to poke scary things away and scowl on my face ready and wee dug dog to help too, so you will be ok.

    You see, that is why mac is so good... we help eachother when we need it. You helped me stand tall when I was too small and so I help back now you got me tall...

    Don't worry about answering my pm, you have enough on your plate and you will be tired. It is so tiring and I don't expect an answer... x

    I have got my armour out and clean and on already (well, what else did you expect from me eh? ) and I am sat at the bottom of your bed polishing yours as you sleep. Your sabre may come in handy to replace my knitting needle too. It will be gleaming so brightly tomorrow morning after  I have polished it that you will have to use it.

    and you can use it one tiny baby step at a time. You see, you have tiny stepped your way through 3 days already and done it. You are a warrior and you can do it and you will do it as we are all walking alongside you, your invisible army....

    Gentle baby steps Tall Little Jen. The courage you find to walk these days is amazing and take courage from that courage too.... you can do anything now....

    big hug to you too

    Little My xxxxx


  • FormerMember
    Jen I missed your post and apologies for that. Cancer never makes sense and we hate it. Still here holding you tight and sending all my love and blessings. Always. Xxxxxxxxx
  • FormerMember
    Dear little Jen, please just remember that it is ok to smile and hopefully in time you can begin to smile at happy memories and scrub the rawness of the havoc cancer causes. I am so, so sorry for your loss but battle on we all must and I am standing in line with you too. A massive hug to you xxxx