So this is how it is.......

1 minute read time.

Where do I begin?

My lovely man finally found his rest and truly deserved peace. And I don't know how I will ever make sense of all this, or if I will ever begin to forget the awful awful nights. 

I never saw it coming, though I 'knew.' He waited till I'd left the room. Death is never how you expect and I have seen a few deaths now. As someone said today, Well, you are an orphan and a widow in the space of a year.

I cannot begin to comprehend the aggression of my loved one's cancer. What the hell was that disease? Where did it come from? How did it get there? WHY was it there? Why? Why? Why?

And now I know my David will not come back. And I just don't know what the rest of life is about and if it is worth having. And people write the most amazing emails about my man and I cry. Jesus, I cry and cry and the tears cannot wash away the pain. Will they ever? My GP rang and was so kind and said how much everyone will miss David. Could he do anything for me? I asked him to cut my head off, but he said he wasn't allowed. Shame.

I know I will get through this but I don't know how. Just now, the rain rains and rains and rains. And please tell me, what was all that about? What did it mean? 

I\d better stop.

Very very very Little Jen



  • Dear Jen I am so very sorry and I wish things could have been different for you and David.Sending Love,strength and the biggest of hugs.We will all be here with you and for you in the time ahead.May your lovely man rest in peace.Love Cruton xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Bless you all and thank you wonderful friends. You just understand at once what is needed.

    Will write when I have time later, but today am exhausted and have to do all those things you have to do. Am going to the Registrar this morning as will not let any of my kids do that horrible task. Found my youngest sobbing out his heart last night. It tears you apart to see the pain of others and be so helpless.

    I BLOODY WELL HATE CANCER but I will NOT let it ruin us.

    very little but slightly bigger than yesterday Little Jen X

  • FormerMember

    Good girl, thats the way forward!

    You will never be little in my eyes.

    Much love and Respect.



  • FormerMember

    Dear Giant Jen,

    Too many lovely people falling foul of this vile disease, and now your wonderful David. I'm so, so sorry. This is of course the time for doing what must be done, and you will probably do it on autopilot, so don't worry if you feel a bit numb and not quite "here".

    Your family will never be ruined. You are the essential glue holding it together, though you probably feel the opposite just now. Always remember we are here for you whenever things get too much.

    With much love,

    Ann xxx 

  • FormerMember

    Such a sad Blog to read but followed by an army full of support from a wonderful group of friends here who understand. And it's good to read your mornings post and see that already the strength in you is rising and is there to get you and your family through these dark times.

    I send you and your family, hugs of strength and love.

    Rest in Peace David.

    Much love

    Jan xxx