So... Cancer.

1 minute read time.

Cancer sucks! Yes, it does.

I never, ever thought I would ever get cancer except maybe something of the skin. I have been sunburned way too many times in my life, I am the original pasty white girl. Plus, skin cancer  runs in the family. All that sunbathing when young. (Not me, I would never tan, just turn bright red and get fainty.)

I did have a cousin that died from lung cancer at the age of 39 but she started smoking when she was 9, or something.

Everyone in my family lives to be 90 or so. (Except for said cousin.) I have absolutely no criteria for endometrial cancer, especially clear cell. I have always been wonderfully healthy, never took any pills except for vitamins, always been active, etc, etc...

Now, of course, I have realized that no one expects to get cancer. It's always a surprise! It seems to be pretty indescriminent about who gets it and who doesn't. And after hearing the statistics that half of all men and one third of all women will get cancer at some point in their lives, I guess it comes down to me being one of the unlucky one third.

I've had time to adjust to my new status, it's been since last September that I found out. I was misdiagnosed, though, and have had to adjust again. I guess anything can become normal if you live with it long enough.

  • FormerMember

    Oh dear. I am not sure if I will be able to remember all that, Odin. I will have to google the eight legged horse. Can't quite wrap my head around the concept.

    I must say that Warped is definitly the most fun place I have found on any cancer site! Is that saying much?

    Little My, I admire your restraint in not ramming tea bags down that woman's throat. Plumping up? The worst I've come across is a couple of women I work with, I consider them friends but not close, who broke down in tears when they saw me after my surgery. I had to comfort them and tell them I was fine, etc... The problem is, I know they mean well so I can't really get upset, but sheesh! (And I didn't think I looked THAT bad.)

    I am going to attempt to post a picture of my Viking hat that a friend and her daughter gave me when they heard I was going to lose my hair. I think both Little My and Odin need one.

    Liz xxxx


  • FormerMember

    Love the hat, it will certainly suit LM when she's wearing her Viking dress. I'm a bit nervous of those dangly bits, I hope they're no too long!

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Liz

    I just found this blog - I love the pic of the hat. Its a little bit similar to the one that my brother brought home for me from Prague that Tom has purloinged :) (mine the pink haha)

    I had one of those 'why him' moments... my hubby Tom (although not my hubby at the time) was diagnosed with testicular cancer in Feb 2011... it had spread to his lymph nodes and they didn't give him very good chances. But his type of cancer is very responsive to chemo so he ploughed on. We've been thru so much since then - getting married, bloot clot in his brain, major surgery, coming to terms with not being able to have kids naturally.... inthe beginning I was always wondering why it had happened to him - my lovely sweet husband, who had already lost his mum to cancer. He's now back working again and doing really well.... but I still question it at times! he doesn't though, but he's mister chilled out :)

    Don't worry about not totally following Warped, I still don't know half of what's going on!! Just wait for them to rename you, I think I'm clairdeloon now hahaha

    Lots and lots of hugs to you xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    I need one of those hats! X

  • Hi Liz I love the hat and think we should adopt it as the official hat for warped You are certainly not whinny As for sats I think we all look at them but they are better ignored as so many if us beat those odds so best to ignore them.Cant imagine how it must have felt to have been missed diagnosed Cancer surly does suck but keep on kicking its arse it so deserves it.Huge hugs Cruton xxxx