So... Cancer.

1 minute read time.

Cancer sucks! Yes, it does.

I never, ever thought I would ever get cancer except maybe something of the skin. I have been sunburned way too many times in my life, I am the original pasty white girl. Plus, skin cancer  runs in the family. All that sunbathing when young. (Not me, I would never tan, just turn bright red and get fainty.)

I did have a cousin that died from lung cancer at the age of 39 but she started smoking when she was 9, or something.

Everyone in my family lives to be 90 or so. (Except for said cousin.) I have absolutely no criteria for endometrial cancer, especially clear cell. I have always been wonderfully healthy, never took any pills except for vitamins, always been active, etc, etc...

Now, of course, I have realized that no one expects to get cancer. It's always a surprise! It seems to be pretty indescriminent about who gets it and who doesn't. And after hearing the statistics that half of all men and one third of all women will get cancer at some point in their lives, I guess it comes down to me being one of the unlucky one third.

I've had time to adjust to my new status, it's been since last September that I found out. I was misdiagnosed, though, and have had to adjust again. I guess anything can become normal if you live with it long enough.

  • FormerMember

    Liztytee teee, Is it pronounced tee or tie? the tyty thing...

    Anyway, I want the hat, though I don't really do pink, but with horns, I may just get away with it :)

    Warped actually grew out of a thread called dumb things people say. I had so many of them and people crying and saying I got thing they dread most and tilts and so braves etc blah.I had to comfort quite a lot of people when i told them i had cancer... they were in tears and i was saying Oh its ok etc. Kind of made me laugh really...  Anyway, if you are ever bored, the thread is still there and could probably do with reiviving. I met Sunny there and we started talking about other stuff and being silly and were going off track a bit and some people didn't like us laughing about her funeral plans so I went away and made warped.

    I understand every single word of warped hahaaaa Actually, its all a bit random and I guess it doesn't matter whether you follow it or not, just a place to be a bit silly and laugh at cancer cos its too pooey to be taken seriously as a wise crabby lady said to me once... and some days the woe is me gets a bit much for some of us kicking its arse.

    Anyway, you might think its  a secret ploy to turn you all into 'Son's of Odin the Alfather' but really I just play with words... you may stay Liz, you may turn into something to do with tees or ties let me know the pronunciation (or may be safer not to :)


    ps the family thing is cos I don't really have much family left.. 3 at the last count so I thought my wedding my be a bit empty so would get some new family.... always room for American cousins haha.


  • FormerMember

    Hello Liz.  I had mouth cancer but according to all the blurb I ' asked ' for it because I liked a cigarette and a glass or three of wine ....... so I also had to deal with it. I did have a ' so why didn't any of the Rolling Stones get this ? ' moment, but it doesn't work that way - guess I got the short straw. Keep kicking that cancer !

    Well I hope that you have absorbed Odin's lesson in mythology ....... ? Yes, he has often complained to Little My about the cost of keeping his menagerie ( serpent food is at an all time high just now and the farrier charges a fortune for Sleinir's eight horse shoes )

    Oh, love the hat ! Maybe we could all have one ?

    Love and hugs, Joycee xxx

  • FormerMember

    I can crochet - so maybe all we need is the pattern for the hat and then I'll take orders! XX

  • FormerMember

    Julia you have my vote :)

    There's a little viking hat pattern here -

    Can't find one for a bigger hat but will keep looking!! :) xxx

  • FormerMember

    Did you know you can also get knitted viking beard hats?

    Look what you have started tyedye!!

    I can crochet too, but a bit nervous about admitting it cos we may get inundated with orders haha
