So... Cancer.

1 minute read time.

Cancer sucks! Yes, it does.

I never, ever thought I would ever get cancer except maybe something of the skin. I have been sunburned way too many times in my life, I am the original pasty white girl. Plus, skin cancer  runs in the family. All that sunbathing when young. (Not me, I would never tan, just turn bright red and get fainty.)

I did have a cousin that died from lung cancer at the age of 39 but she started smoking when she was 9, or something.

Everyone in my family lives to be 90 or so. (Except for said cousin.) I have absolutely no criteria for endometrial cancer, especially clear cell. I have always been wonderfully healthy, never took any pills except for vitamins, always been active, etc, etc...

Now, of course, I have realized that no one expects to get cancer. It's always a surprise! It seems to be pretty indescriminent about who gets it and who doesn't. And after hearing the statistics that half of all men and one third of all women will get cancer at some point in their lives, I guess it comes down to me being one of the unlucky one third.

I've had time to adjust to my new status, it's been since last September that I found out. I was misdiagnosed, though, and have had to adjust again. I guess anything can become normal if you live with it long enough.

  • FormerMember
    Hi there, It's a weird one in one way but I never did the why me or anything like that and I sometimes wished I had done all the risk factors for anal cancer cos some of them sound kind of fun! I have founda lot of positives in my experience so far and don't see it as an altogether bad thing but I am saying that from a position of remission!!! Cancer sucks big time and all we can do is keep trying to kick its arse as best we can and not let it take away everything. It might stop me from doing a lot of things but it's not going to stop me laughing or enjoying what I can of life. Having cancer is crap enough without being miserable too... !!! And yes it does become the new normal. A bit of an odd one and one we wish we didnt have to but no point in wishing that i guess. Sorry you had to have that extra treatment and misdiagnosis etc that must be hard to get your grad around... .. Anyway my lovely stalker lady welcome out the woodwork and hers to helping you kick that cancer's backside. Don't think that really made any sense but then you know me..... :) sending you a hug little my x
  • FormerMember

    Hi Liz,

    Yes I did the statistics thing but didn't find it really helped. I also get annoyed when they come out with yet another cause of cancer. You know the sort of thing, If you eat five tons of mushrooms a day you are 5% more likely to get cancer of your oscillating gizmo!

    LM once said to someone "I've got cancer; I deal with it" which is really the only way to cope. In fact that is so wise it deserves to be put in Chairman Mao's Little Red Book; well or something similar!

    Yes, a misdiagnosis can put you off your stride; you have braced yourself for one sort of nasty treatment and then have to get your head round something different.

    But hey! You've joined the crazy gang and we are all there to help you through the bad times and love to share the good times.

    Welcome and Hugs.

    Odin xxx

    PS.LM must be using her phone and couldn't get one in! I should warn you LM is dyslexic and you are not likely to stay as Liz for long! I used to be Colin!!!!

  • FormerMember

    I didn't mean to sound so whiny. Sorry.

    I actually feel perfectly well, which makes it hard for me to believe that I'm sick. That's good, right? I have been very lucky, the only thing that's got to me so far is my surgery. That was much harder to recover from than I thought it would be. Silly me... I forgot how much older I am than the last time I had surgery. (4 c-sections, the last one was 20 years ago.) Of course, I also had a lot of personal drama going on at that time; that didn't help.

    Everyone on Warped has been an inspiration. Many of you are going through much worse than I and you can still laugh and be silly. It has helped me realize that people can live with their new normal and still be "normal".

    LM, I am so happy that you are in remission and that your surgery went so well. Yes, you have cancer and you deal with it. After all, what's the alternative?  It can get tiring hearing how brave one is. We should get tee-shirts.

    I wanted to let you know that your "head tilt" is making it's way across the states. I have a friend in Florida with MS whom I can compare head tilts with. It is such an apt description!

    Odin (Colin)- I am a bit lost with all the ravens and serpants and Norse Gods, you will have to fill me in.

    I'm not sure how much LM can do with Liz. I was called Lizzy Lizard for awhile in school...

    Hugs and xxxx back to you both and thanks.


  • FormerMember
    Hi there you weren't Whiney at all!!!!!!! I think you are very brave tilt tilt hahahaaaa so glad the tilt is moving across the waters and that you have a friend to giggle about them with. What makes me laugh is that I think a lot of us think the others are worse off . I think you are worse off than me etc I think we commented on the stats thing cos it is something that gets all of us. I am ignoring them until they come in my favour. As to Odin quoting me, did I say that??? Haha I don't remember but let's face it you have to cos there isn't an alternative. Anyway, now you are warped, you are also an inspiration and can I just say, my you do look well and you are so brave:) P and I bumped into a friend in the supermarket the other day . She said to P she's looking so well isn't she? Plumping up nicely!!!! Hahahaaaaaaaaa I didn't ram the box of tea bags down her throat but it was close. Anyway my phone is too hard to type on so see you later xxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Liz, it is all very simple, I think!???

    I used to be a normal person called Colin, minding my own business and getting on with life when Mr C came calling. Someone recommended I look at the Macmillan web site for information and support. There I was befriended by Ems and Little My and inducted (or should that be abducted) into warpland.

    As you are finding out, nothing in warpland is simple.

    I am Little My's father. No not her real father or even her step father, I'm her sort of Sunday Best Dad, but only here in warpland.

    I have a wifey, we're not married you understand and don't even live together, but Nannyb is LM's mumsy.

    There are various other members of this online family and they will have to introduce themselves!

    Now for the Norse god thingy.

    I think I type quite well, but occasionally the keys jump about a bit and I type the letter nearby. (It helps to have a keyboard handy to follow this next bit). So for instance When I type 'o' I sometimes get i or p and if I am very lucky I get two letters for the price of one; a sort of lexicological BOGOF. When I was new here and very wet behind the ears I used to sign myself off as 'Colin' which was straight forward; I never signed myself as 'Xolin' or 'Volin' but on one fateful day I missed the 'shift' key and hit the 'ctrl' key and my signature appeared as 'olin'.

    Little did I know that Little My was a viking and very proud of her Norse gods, and from henceforth I was appointed Odin, the Allfather King of the Gods!

    It all starts on page 87! Gosh have we written that much rubbish since I joined?

    As Odin, I have to feed the midgard serpent who stops the world from falling into the abyss, as well as several billion dead heroes in Valhaala (now registered for wedding ceremonies LM, but with all those dead heroes it does smell a bit.) I have an 8 legged horse to ride called Sleipnir, two ravens, two wolves, and a bunch of serpents (Hilary will know the collective name there). I reported on a shopping trip, for serpent food at Tescos on page 99.

    It might have been simpler if Little My had been German because then I would just have had a long pole and had to wander the earth.

    Well I hope that's cleared things up for you. If it has perhaps you could explain it to the rest of us.

    Big hugs,

    Odin xxx