Jax - Nite Nite From the Leeds Lasses

2 minute read time.

Hi All

I am writing this for those of you that don't know - Jax died on Monday night - her Hubby has no access to her Mac account and gave me his blesssing to let you all know.

Jax was a wonderful lady, great sense of humour, heart full of compassion regardless of her own circumstances. She always had consideration for 'newbies' to Chat. Good words of advice were given when she had experience of a situation and always from a considered viewpoint.

These are my thoughts and feelings about Jax:

Jax was a wonderful friend to me over the last 12 months. We met in the early hours of the morning when we were both having treatment and sleep eluded us. We 'clicked' almost immediately and from then on spent many sleepless nights together in Chat with all the other insomniacs - you know who you all are!

Sometimes we were silly, like putting TOTP2 on the telly in our respective homes and 'singing' along to the old songs Some stirring memories of a distant youth, others making us cringe at the clothes we used to wear.

Often we taked about our kids, our hopes and dreams for their futures. These conversations were always tinged with sadness as we both knew that Jax would never get to see hers come to fruition, but we hoped and dreamed anyway, as Mums do!

She helped and supported me throughout my treatment and return to work. Making me smile when I didn't think there was one in me and kicking my butt when the need arose because Jax was like that - she called a spade a spade - my kind of friend. How lucky I was to have had her in my life, if only for a short time?

We often talked of meeting but her ongoing treatments made this impossible and time was flying by. One day whilst talking of her upcoming holiday she suggested that Izzy and I go stay with them for a few days. Thanks to her wonderful hubby agreeing to two 'strangers' gatecrashing their holiday we did. Thankfully she was as lovely in real-life or that could have been a tricky stay! And of course we got to meet her gorgeous family of which she was so rightly proud.

So that's where our love and thoughts are right now, with Darren, Felicity, George, Abbie and Summer.... can't believe I'm typing this for the last time......Nite Nite Jax huge hugs and loads of love from the Leeds Lasses xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    What lovely words Maxine. My only regret was I never got to meet Jax personally, but I know from chatting to her what a lovely lady she was. So very brave and an inspiration. Even in chat when not feeling too well herself, she would always be there for others, offering words of encouragement and support.

    My condolences go out to her husband and four young children.

    Peace be the journey Jacqui, sleep well friend xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Maxi,

    First love you, as a mate, something we should never be afraid to share - just as you loved Jax, can feel your Pain Mate,

    Was not as lucky as you to be at close but did respect a beautiful spirit that was an inspiration to many.

    Its a fact of life - we miss the chance we are offered and then regret when one of our numbers go.

    Take care and stay strong.

    Love and Hugs Max xx

    John x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Max,

    Beautifully put! Jax will be much missed in Chat, as you already know.  Jax had a wonderful sense of humour and a way of "telling it how it is" but without upsetting anyone - I know you understand.

    My heart goes out to Darren and their 4 children at this sad and difficult time and will hold them in my thoughts and prayers.

    May Jacqui finally sleep peacefully. Take care Max.

    Love, Rose x x x x x x x x x                

  • FormerMember

    Hi Max

    It is really lovely what you wrote it brought a tear to my eye

    I dont go on chat has much now

    I remember those nights we be up late talking about allsorts

    Lis with her teatrolly

    Giving people support when they needed it

    Jacqui family are in my thoughts

    Thinking of you Max

    Jax you will be in every one hearts

    Love and hug

    love Janice xxxx

  • FormerMember

    A lovely tribute Max to a wonderful lady.

    I shared a few private chats with Jax - we talked about our incurable cancers and shared ideas.

    She helped me a lot once when I was down.

    So farewell Jax - may you rest in peace.

    condolences to Darren and their 4 children

