Smashing The Stragglers...

  • Day 3 - Diet Starts Today; Or Does It?

    Firstly apologies for the formatting of these blogs, I tend to compose them on my phone whilst waiting for appointments, when cut and pasted the words wrap around at end of each line - I hope it still makes sense.  Yesterday evening things caught up with me. The emotional, mental and physical experience saw me popping upstairs for 40 winks, which resulted in a much needed 3 hour power nap. Woke to the smell of sizzling…
  • Day 2 Pt 2 - Zapp 2 and Consultant Meeting

    Meeting with consultant clarified that despite the RT being targetted they have decided to do a full 'belt and braces' approach which will see both sides of neck and top of chest being treated - the left side of neck and chest will receive a lower dose rate than that of primary and tumour sites on right side of neck. Also advised to gargle with aspirin as well as salt gargling (anyone would think I had nothing better…
  • Day 2 Pt 1 - The Sun Is Shining


    Woke up to a beautiful sunny day, after what can only be described as 'broken' sleep.  Mouth feels drier already - probably more to do with the saltwater gargles, which brings back (fond) memories of a swim across the Solent a couple of years back!  Still it is a nice day so off for a 30 minute run with the dog.  Legs felt stronger today after their shakeout yesterday so managed to cover a bit more distance, and…

  • Day One - Let the RT Begin

    And so the first day of RT has finally arrived. Didn't sleep well last night as knocked the PEG tube during night (felt as though someone had poked me with a hot knitting needle). Wii Fit first thing saw an encouraging weight gain of 3lbs in a week. Diet starts today and kicked off with my first run since surgery on 10 Oct. It was extremely steady state, am sure a few snails overtook me on my blind side. Its amazing how…
  • Star Date - Sun 17 Nov 13: Getting Ready To Rumble (Part Two)...


    After a false start last week where my 30 day RT start date was unexpectedly postponed for seven days, I have a strange feeling of 'deja vu' as I prepare myself to embark on the journey to full fitness.

    Apart from a stiff neck and some discomfort in my right shoulder I have recovered well from the selective neck dissection to remove the offending lump from the right side of my neck, which i was lucky enough to…