Sore Throat Brings Relentless Pain...

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As I approach my next team medical checkup day tomorrow and am now nearly 40 days and nights AFTER Radiotherapy treatment finished I am disappointed to state that the throat pain sees me way behind my recovery plan.  After drinking a pint of watered down milk shake last Monday via mouth I really thought I had hit the nail on the head and was on the road to all being sorted.  Trouble was I tried to do too much and I now need pain relief to swallow anything,so frustrating as I want to ge my life back and start getting back to the gym and doing the  things i have missed over the past 5 or so months!  No doubt my consultancy team will state we are moving in the right direction (I hope they do anyway!) and it should only be a matter of days rather than months until i can have a bee in my new garden pub).  I will try and keep blog up to date but it is very much dejavu i am afraid.

  • FormerMember

    Hello Dave ... it really can be a long slog to recovering from the radiotherapy ( as indeed you are finding out ) and all the consultants will tell you is " it takes time " and so on. Because everyone has different reactions to the radiation it is extremely difficult to say when that recovery will actually happen ... unfortunately I had a particularly bad time of it. Looking back at an old diary it took me three months before I could manage a couple of teaspoons of soup ( from the end of my RT, that is ) in between it was the NG tube followed by crates and crates of Ensure Plus drinks ...

    So patience is the key, I'm afraid ... just give your body the time to get over the bombardment and put those thoughts of the gym on the back burner for the moment. Now that beer in your new garden pub is another matter ... hope that you get to enjoy that very soon, cheers !

    Joycee x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Dave.  After reading Joycee's reply to you I dug out my food diaries. After 40 days I was only sipping small glasses of water, the majority of my fluids were still going down the PEG.  There was no way I could have managed a pint of watered down milkshake.  So your progress sounds fine. Your frustrations sound a lot like mine were.  I don't think having a recovery plan really works, I eventually found I just had to let my body recover at the speed it wanted.  Joycee is right about the gym, best put on the back burner for now.  I've not gone back to my gym,  but I do some gentle exercise at home.  I've got some DVDs, an exercise bike and some lightweight dumbbells and I've managed to get all my muscle tone back.  You will get there Dave, unfortunately it just takes a while.  x