Smashed It!

1 minute read time.

It's been a while since my last post due to a time of reflection needed as to where I am and where I am going. The fantastic news is that I am well on the mend with no sign of the cancer returning, eating well and back at work part time for now.  I still have a dry mouth at night which means broken sleep but my saliva glands try their best during the day reducing the need for constant and incessant gargling. Over past month my food intake has improved greatly. From soup and scrambled egg I have now moved up the food chain and actually demolished a pizza hut pizza this week, bit of a swallowing struggle and could hardly taste the flavours but the texture and just being out eating in public has given me much confidence and hope for the future. My shoulder remains a sore point, nerve damage after the op over a year ago limits my activity and mobility which is a real pain yet To think where I was only two months ago, feeling down in the dumps and without focus, to today where I have just got back from a busy morning at work, eaten a microwave lasagne and looking forward to a remembrance weekend away it is a great feeling. To all those out there still struggling with treatment and the after effects stay positive and strong, I hope that things get better for you too. Thanks again to all the support I have received from Joycee et al when I was at my lowest ebb, I doubted if I would ever pull through and beat this cancer, but fingers crossed (and not wanting to tempt fate) it seems I have won the battle and can now look forward. 

  • FormerMember

    Hello Dave ... it's great to know that you are doing so well, I'm really pleased for you ! Yes, it has indeed been a long-haul but you have come through it and now moving on.

    Well done on the food front, it's taken some time and patience : )

    Don't forget the dry mouth products as they can help tremendously ... especially the gel last thing at night. Hopefully your shoulder will improve with more time, the body never stops trying to heal itself so fingers crossed. Just take care of yourself, Dave ... onwards and upwards !

    Joycee x

  • FormerMember

    Great to read your news, Dave, very encouraging. You and my husband travelled the same road only a couple of months apart. Now he too is clear but is still on 100% Fortisips. We'll take our inspiration from you...

    Irene x

  • FormerMember

    Dave as you know my husband passed away in July but it really does bring me a great deal of joy knowing that you have battled on and are making the most of everything. It gives so much hope to all those who are starting their journey and knowing that it can be beaten  gives them a positive start. I wish you well for always. X