Nowhere To Hide

1 minute read time.
Almost half way through week three of treatment and gradually feeling worse, as expected. Entrance to the throat at back of mouth is inflamed and sore, this is good as this is the primary target area now my tonsils have been removed and this was the source of the cancer. So with cells degenerating and regenerating in all the right areas, I am in no doubt that any straggling cancer cells are getting smashed to pieces by the radiation treatment and the battle is being won. Next stage will be further worsening and more pain in my upper and lower throat, and then external issues with skin around neck burning and possibly peeling as we move into Week 4. Today's journey to southampton was a pain. Roadworks in Salisbury saw me arrive late for the first time. As I haven't had an appointment on time yet I wasn't worried too much and lo and behold we were running 45mins late anyway so it turns out I was still half hour early. Chat with dietitian and the dreaded weigh in did not confirm my weight loss fears and I have only lost 3lbs this week. Feeding through my stomach tube (PEG) is not imminent yet, but will depend how difficult swallowing becomes. Then, with RT 13 done and dusted it was time to head off home for a well earned rest.