Every Effort to Get Better

1 minute read time.
Almost three weeks post my last RT and I can happily report that I feel over the worst of my pains and side effects. I still however await the eureka moment when I can hand on heart state that I am truly feeling better. Pain is being efficiently kept at bay by use of the long term syringe driver mechanism as is the anti sickness. Have now finished antibiotics so the meds ritual really just consists of a few various mouth rinses and fluids through the PEG tube. These are topped up with 2-3 pints (diluted) of 40sips energy drink and my once a day 1500 calorie pump fed liquid feed. Apart from this I am not doing much, less getting used to a new iPhone and planning layout of new garden pub. Had a quick chat about a nice summer or Easter holiday this morning, but need to make sure I am fit and well enough to enjoy it. What is the point of all inclusive if all I can drink is sips of water as per now? Rest of week offers much of the same, must try and get out and walk dog but weather is so damp, cold and depressing it is hard to encourage oneself... Highlight for today was the gulping of 10ml of water without coughing or feeling sick afterwards ( note 10 ml is not a lot at all, but gotta start somewhere eh?) Anyway back to cross loading my BB contacts - I am on letter C...