Eat That Cancer

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twenty months after being diagnosed with throat cancer I a really happy to report that I am sat in a bar in Washington DC with a pint of beer having demolished a ribeye steak. They say you don't miss things until hey are gone(and I apologise for those reading this still struggling with the effects of throat cancer and radiotherapy treatment) but I needed to share this milestone on my blog. My tastebuds are still not back to normal yet the ones that have recovered seem to be supercharged, hypersensitive to all flavours. The taste of the steak is phenomenal and something I had so been looking forward to and although the salivary glands still have damage repair work to do it really hit the spot. To think this time last year I was feeding through a stomach tube, I feel blessed. The only regret is that my wife is still in England and could not share this experience. That said I fly home tomorrow and you can guess what will be on our menu tomorrow evening. Dave 

  • FormerMember

    Hello Dave, I'm so glad that you have finally managed to eat that steak ... and enjoy a beer ! Sounds like you have had a great time in the USA, albeit without your wife, although I'm sure she will share your joy when you arrive back home.

    It has been a long journey but you came out at the other end of that tunnel ... well done !

    Joycee x

  • FormerMember

    What wonderful news! have just read your blog to my husband and we are both delighted for you and your family. As you know, we went through almost identical treatment at the same time and hospital, travelling from the Devizes. My husband is very much better but finds eating any solids very challenging. He has had an endoscopy but rarely feels able to swallow anything but Fortisips. I think this may be psychological rather than physical now but we remain positive and hopeful.

    Irene T xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Dave.

    I've followed your blog since the beginning and I'm so pleased to read this. Really chuffed for you. Hope you get to enjoy a few beers in your garden pub this summer.

    Margaret x

  • Hi Dave, thanks for this. JUst over halfway through my treatment and everything tastes like cardboard! So your post is encouraging me to look to the future.