Does Thar Spit or Does Thar Swallow?

1 minute read time.
The age old question has risen its head now I start my recovery phase. The phlegm and mucus in throat has been lining and protecting the inside of my neck and throat during treatment, which has made it an elasticated and gooey substance. As I start to get better I have been told that this mucus/goo will break down more and that rather than swallowing it back down I should cough it up and spit it out. This makes sense (my mam always used to say "better 'owt than in" in her broad Yorkshire accent when I was younger). Trouble is that it is painful to cough it up at minute (I know is should give it some time and nature will find its way) but I just want to get well again. Any advice on what to take to help break down the mucus again, should I just cough up when high on morphine? As an aside, I tried my first ice lolly in 7 weeks tonight. A plain lemon lolly, tasted a wee bit of lemon until mouth ulcers said 'no no no - far too soon for that'! Dog enjoyed rest (most) of it but was worth a try! Minor drama late this evening as pain killer/anti sickness needle was accidentally pulled out of arm whilst I was doing my other meds. Morphine now on standby for night, district nurse should be here to sort before 11 in morning. Gonna try and get some sleep now before effects wear off. Slept ok but sick as a dog when I woke up, not very well. Fortunately nurse round as promised and hooked me back up to syringe driver and I can restart other medication in an hour. So two steps back and one forward on day one of recovery, not the best start but looking forward to rest of day and rest of recovery.
  • FormerMember

    Hi Dave.  I think definitely better to spit than swallow!  Try warm water with a little bicarb of soda, or cola flavoured ice pops.  Make sure you have plenty of decent quality paper towel in stock.  x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Dave, hubby is experiencing the same thing. His mouth is so bad he can't tolerate anything but previously boiled water at room temperature. I make up about four large bottles each day and just leave them in the bathroom. I have bought plastic throwaway cups too as they seem a little lighter on his lips (which are also full of sores and fried skin) The kitchen roll he uses is excellent and its soft on his lips (The Big Strong One I think it's called - as it's more like a cloth than paper so it doesn't break down.) He's also using 10 Caphosol  each day. Ice chips have been ok some of the time too.  Nature will take its course though and the healing will take place in its own time. This spitting is very tiring and hubby feels is one of the worst side effects. (This coming from a man whose neck looks like something from a horror movie)