Day 5 - Ready for the Weekend

2 minute read time.
Managed chicken tikka massala for supper last night, did not taste much like chicken tikka massala at all, although I caught some of the spices. Didn't sleep very well through the night, mouth drier than normal, bit of neck pain, and the feeling sick meant broken sleep. Early start this morning in order to get through salisbury rush hour traffic. Took almost one and a half hours to get to the hospital - 40mins longer than normal. Luckily most my appointments are late morning. Have my mam and dad down over the weekend which will be really good, hope they don't expect too much from me, am sure they won't. Am looking forward to a couple of days off RT, recharge batteries and get ready for week 2. Also got Naomi, my nutritionist coming to the house this afternoon to do a 'pull and turn' on my gastro tube (PEG) - this is to make sure the stopper on the inside of my stomach, attached to the end of the tube, doesn't attach itself permanently to the stomach lining. Am told it is a simple procedure, let's hope so. Collected some anti-sickness medicine which will hopefully improve my appetite a bit. - appetite improved after tablet, tomato soup and bread rolls. Now off for an old mans half hour nap before mam n dad and nutritionist arrive.. Managed chicken tikka massala for supper last night, did not taste much like chicken tikka massala at all, although I caught some of the spices. Didn't sleep very well through the night, mouth drier than normal, bit of neck pain, and the feeling sick meant broken sleep. Early start this morning in order to get through salisbury rush hour traffic. Took almost one and a half hours to get to the hospital - 40mins longer than normal. Luckily most my appointments are late morning. Have my mam and dad down over the weekend which will be really good, hope they don't expect too much from me, am sure they won't. Am looking forward to a couple of days off RT, recharge batteries and get ready for week 2. Also got Naomi, my nutritionist coming to the house this afternoon to do a 'pull and turn' on my gastro tube (PEG) - this is to make sure the stopper on the inside of my stomach, attached to the end of the tube, doesn't attach itself permanently to the stomach lining. Am told it is a simple procedure, let's hope so. Collected some anti-sickness medicine which will hopefully improve my appetite a bit. - appetite improved after tablet, tomato soup and bread rolls. Now off for an old mans half hour nap before mam n dad and nutritionist arrive.
  • FormerMember

    The 'pull and turn' is very simple, only takes a minute, the nurse who comes to do mine calls it tweaking and twiddling.  Glad to hear your first week is out the way.  Make sure you have a good rest this weekend and have a good time with your parents.  x

  • FormerMember

     It's good to read about your day. I don't always have time to post but well done for completing the first week. Have a good weekend and I hope the tweaking and twiddling does what it's meant to do ! Take care.
