Counting Down The Millilitres

1 minute read time.
Into Sunday we go and I have an 'interesting' new pastime. My stomach feed consists of getting 1000ml of nutrition inside me daily via the PEG gastro tube. I have had to start on a low dose (ml/hour) to get the stomach used to it, this was 50 which meant the pump was on for most of the time. I am now up to 150ml per hour which lasts just over 7 hours per evening/night. As I cannot lay flat when being pump fed I really look forward to the dose being complete, having a quick mouth rinse and some more pain relief and then getting some sleep if possible for the rest of the night. Anyway my game now is to guess how many ml are left to go based on the times I wake up and the dose rate I am on. Eg it is now quarter to one in the morning, I have 300ml left in the bag so at current rate I will be disconnecting in two hours. Every time I check the reading it is less 'stuff' to administer and this acts as a useful countdown to end of Jan when I hope to be back eating by mouth. Swallowing water has not been too bad this evening, so long as I tip my head fully back (a la sword swallowers of old) if I swallow with head forward - A G O N Y! Another peaceful day planned for tomorrow as I recharge ready for the last ten RT visits/sessions. Son be down to single figures regarding RT Sessions :-)