Boxing Day - Ding Ding; Next Round

2 minute read time.
Well Christmas has come and gone, and considering no alcohol and no food I really enjoyed being at home with all the family. I have no hangover on a Boxing Day since living memory and am feeling better than the day before so things are looking up. As far as last weeks infection goes I have to admit it knocked me for six, the pain and sickness saw me in a really low place. Cancer had played one of his last cards and knocked me hard off my bike! However Cancer did not realise that I would jump straight back on and continue pedalling towards my goal of full health. In a bizarre way the sinking to those horrible depths of pain, nausea and despair has given me a taste of what 1/10 feels illness wise, it has given me three consecutive days of waking up and feeling better than the last, and it has given my doctors and consultants a reason to review my meds, the concoction now which (touch wood) is staying down and working. Thanks for the continued support from friends and blog readers and to my immediate family who I know are finding it tough but are being solid and helpful around me. As far as treatment goes I have had to be driven down to southampton hospital today and yesterday to have my slow release pain relief / anti sickness topped up - great news was though that it was FREE PARKING! I am sleeping a little better and getting 3-4 hour stints now at best, I have halved my pain relief top up for during the night, which is another step in the right direction. Two more zapp sessions to go now and then will focus on garden pub project (supervisory role only). I had an emotional inspiration regarding the name as I was falling asleep last night. I noticed through a small gap in the curtain a lone star shining brightly in the dark space around. Someone is looking down on me and my family. It seems that Star will feature now in the name - the shortlist to coincide with house name of Stanhope (from hundreds of suggestions) is therefore: The Stanhope Star, The Stanhope and Star, The Star and Stanhope, The Spirit of Stanhope, The Stanhope and Shield - (thoughts welcome). I will also be looking at a nice all inclusive holiday for the family to somewhere nice and hot once my taste buds can appreciate a cool drink or three. Somewhere where we can go for a couple of weeks and forget the last 6 months. Any suggestions, recommendations are again most welcome. 
  • FormerMember
    So happy you are back on your bike Dave. Mine has gathered dust for two years now but I'll be on it in the Spring! "Star of Stanhope". " Star of Brave Hope". " Star of Davehope". Wishing you a brave new 2014 Take good care. Elma. x
  • FormerMember

    Hello Dave ... glad that you enjoyed Christmas at home with your family, even though there was no alcohol or food for yourself ! Reminds me of the first Christmas after my treatments five years ago ... my festive ' dinner ' consisted of Oramorph, a Difflam rinse followed by a hastily drank Ensure Plus. Oh, and a change of Fentanyl patches for good measure !

    Hang on in there as you are almost at the end and will be saying ' goodbye ' to the RT team and on the road to recovery. How's about calling your garden pub ' Stanhope's Star ' ... ? Wishing you all the best for New Year 2014.

    Joycee x


  • FormerMember
    Yes Joycee. 'Stanhope's Star'. .... because he IS .... Elma