Your Hair is Your Beauty?

1 minute read time.

Present Day

Written during EC round #2 - 2nd July 2024

2wks ago, after receiving my EC chemotherapy round #1. I cut my very long hair. This, in preparation for the dreaded chemo shedding. I have been nurturing my hair in African Locs since 2006, they are a part of me.

I talked with the Sister about hair loss. She said my hair will fall. She advised to cut my hair asap, as the weight of it could put pressure on my hair follicles and damage them.

After much deliberation, I had decided not to cold cap. It just seemed like a lot of discomfort in what was an already impossible situation and with no guaranteed chance of 'success'.
From my research, I gathered that I would have had to cut my hair to use the cold cap, as it was so thick and long. I did wonder how effective it would be for someone with thick African hair.

So, I went to the hairdresser for the first time in decades and cut my hair. It was awful! I left just a short bob behind, I guess till I transition to Bald. It is absolutely unimaginable.

Yesterday, I realised that my hair has started to shed. I had a little meltdown last night. I sobbed and sobbed. I just cannot visualise what life will be like without my hair.

Even though, I knew it was coming, the reality of my hair coming away in my hands, or seeing it on the floor around my flat, is on another level.

I guess the next step is to go for a number one cut. I definitely don't think I can face this slow cruel death of hair life. Oh Jah!

My Carribean Grandmother, used to always say as women "Your hair is your beauty." I came to believe it and even during tough times, I always took pride, enjoyment and comfort in grooming my hair. I guess this belief has been playing in the background.

Who is Shaka without hair?
