This is a public shout out to my private posse, my saving grace.

2 minute read time.

My Big Sis, Judith, my protector and stand-in mum, from the day of my birth. My best friend. I entered this world six years after her, (she would say 5.5 yrs) it was love at first sight. 

Now Judith is my cancer buddy. At my side throughout this terrifying journey even though I know it’s so tough for you too. The multiple appointments, through one piece of devastating news after the other, the surgery and recovery, and now, chemotherapy.

Judith, I thank you:

For your everlasting love and support

For your quirky and ever present humour

For putting up with my cantankerous ways

For understanding me 

Most of all I thank you for being you

The stars were certainly aligned when they sent us to the same parents

My sons, Courtney and Curtis

I know that this is tough for you, a scary time. It has been us three against the world for 3+ decades. You have grown into fine adult men. 

I thank you:

For your patience

For the lifts!

For understanding that mum is different for the time being

For the regular check-ins

For the help with chores

For the jokes!

Most of all I thank you for your love and forgiveness, for your acceptance of my imperfect parenting.

My Sister in Friendship, the incredible SpicyJ. It seems you have been in my life forever. Yet it was just five years ago that our paths crossed for the first time. What a delightful whirlwind of fun and frolics it's been! Even though the current times are not so fun, you are still here.

I thank you:

For your constant joyful companionship

For the fun 

For the delightful laughs 

For the dances

For the loooongg telephone talks

For the shared confidences

For the hours long video calls

For your infinite positivity and encouragment

Most of all, I thank you for your unwavering support, oh yeah! and your delectable cooking and pampering

My Daughter-Friend Ama. We first met when working as online counsellors for the same company, you in Manchester, me in London. We clicked over our love of Ghana and our love of therapy and personal growth.

I thank you:

For your unflinching honesty

For your fearless self-examination

For not just hearing me but listening deeply

For your dry humour

For your ceaseless curiosity

For your quiet check-ins

Most of all I thank you for teaching me so much about life and the human capacity to endure, survive and thrive

Last but by no means least
My Beloved KC - man of my heart. In my life for less than a year when I received the devastating news. We were so new, yet we both already knew we were real. But still, a cancer diagnosis is a lot for a fledgeling relationship to bear. Yet, our relationship continues to go from strength to joyous strength. You often say you’re no good with the fluffy stuff; let me tell you, you're so much better than you think.

From the bottom of my heart I thank you:

For your genuine optimism

For your steady quiet strength

For your steadfast presence and support

For seeing me, all of me

For laughing with me

For your constant companionship

For your unshakeable reliability and consistency

Most of all, I thank  you for loving me, for continuing to see me and treat me as Shaka, the woman. I thank you for choosing to walk this path with me

I thank you all for the precious gifts you each bring to my life. I thank you for standing by my side during this oh so difficult time. You nourish me, you nurture me, you each uplift me in your own unique way. I am so very lucky. 
