The Mammogram and the Recall

1 minute read time.

My mammogram appointment took place on 24th January 2024

It was 3.5yrs since my last mammogram. It turns out that in all the upheaval of the previous year, I had missed the invitation in Jan 2023...

One week later, on Feb 1st 2024. I received the letter asking me to come for further tests on Feb 7th 2024.

I immediately knew it must be something amis with my breast. After all, no explanation had been found for my persistent symptoms.

I had previously googled breast cancer but had read nothing which matched my symptoms. That coupled with no family history of any cancers, lead me to assume it couldn't be cancer.

My left breast had always been larger and more dense than the right.

That night, I thoroughly explored my left breast. It wasn't until I felt my breast from the position of being on all fours that I felt the lump. It was behind my nipple and felt fairly large to me.

The agony of the next 7 days!

The only person I told was my fella. And that was because he arrived at my home, just as I sat stupefied, looking at the recall letter. I had no time to compose myself.

I couldn't tell my sister, she was grieving the loss of her son. How could I put this too on her?

I don't know how I made it through that week. I continued working and living. But I wasn't really there. I couldn't sleep and when I did, I was plagued by nightmares.
