Testing Times and Grim Waiting

1 minute read time.

Over the coming weeks, I began to learn about this strange, new and scary world of breast cancer. It seemed this was now my life.

There were MDTs, types of breast cancer, (who knew there were so many) grading, staging, reconstruction. 

The waiting was Grim.

First there was the MRI result: it detected a much larger diseased area in my left breast than was identified in the scan. 

The MRI also detected an area of concern in my right breast!

One left lymph node also showed up as being slightly enlarged

Second I had a second look scan of my right breast and of my left axilla.

By the end of 8wks of testing and waiting...

My treatment plan had changed from: left lumpectomy and radiotherapy to...

Left mastectomy, plus right side lumpectomy followed with radiotherapy, with sentinel node biopsy on both sides. Possible chemotherapy. It was so difficult to take in. 

I had grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma in my left breast.

In my right breast I had invasive lobular cancer - scarily this had not been previously detected on mammogram or scan.

It seemed that each appointment with my surgeon brought devastating news. I began to dread the appointments. As the appt. dates approached, I would feel my anxiety levels rise. My heart would race, I'd have difficulty sleeping, I was distracted.

My life, as I knew it, was unravelling and there was nothing I could do to stop it. 
