Diagnosis- It's for real

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On 15th Feb 2024, I met with my consultant breast surgeon and clinical nurse specialist for the first time.

My sister was with me. When I'd told her about my biopsy the week before, she had vowed to be with me, every step of the way.

The surgeon confirmed that I had breast cancer. I felt my hold on the hope that this wasn't anything serious and my breast lump was benign, rapidly fading away.

I wasn't going to wake up. I was actually living this nightmare.

The surgeon went on to say that I would need surgery. A lumpectomy followed by radiotherapy and hormone treatment for 5 yrs.

She further informed me that I would possibly need a breast MRI to assess the exact size and location of the lump. She was uncertain whether my nipple could be spared.

The thought of being disfigured in this way, felt absolutely devastating. I was losing my grip on life, on my body, on me, as I knew it...
