2 Weeks Lost to Chemo Gremlins

2 minute read time.

After my first round of chemotherapy. I had nausea for 10 days. The meds, domperidone, did not alleviate it one jot. Despite the general feeling of, everything in my body being topsy-turvy, I was able to get on with my daily activities. Though my energy levels were low, I enjoyed moderate to long walks most days.

Then came Round #2!

The headache/migraine started on day 3. Along with the pounding in my forehead, there was the sensitivity and soreness all over my scalp. There was also extreme fatigue, the type where it's an effort to sit upright. On days 3 and 4, I was still able to carry on near to normal.

Day 5 - 8
I couldn't get out of bed. The pain was absolutely ferocious. Along with sensitivity to sound and light.

Day 8
I had an oncology review appt. I was advised to drink and eat well and take paracetamol. If the headache didn't let up, I was to call the hotline and come in for further tests. The dose for my next round was reduced and I was told I could postpone it for one week. I didn't want to do that, as I have only just begun 16 rounds!

Day 8-13
The ferocity of the headaches continued. Day 11, i called the chemo hotline for advice and was promised a Dr would call back, they didn't. On day 12, I began to take codrydomol, which I had left over from post surgery. This gave me the first pain free day in a week but as soon it began to wear off, the dreaded banging in my head would resume.

Day 13
I called the hotline again and was advised to go in to A n E. And an oncologist would see me there.

After blood tests and a brain scan. No reason for the headaches could be found. Needless to say, I was relieved to know there was no cancer in my brain.

The Dr said there was no reason I couldn't go ahead with round #3 the next day. By this stage, I had already postponed it.

Day 14-15
The headaches continued unabated. But as I was getting relief with the codrydomol, I was able to eat some.

Day 16 I slept through the night and was not awoken by the pain relief running out.

Day 20
I'm all set for round #3 tomorrow. I have no idea what's in store for me. This is round 3 of 4 of EC. I'm really hoping that I've seen the worst effects of it.

I don't have an explanation for the headaches. Except to say that headache is listed as a rare side effect of EC. The Dr pretty much said I need to push through...

I have many other side effects but the headache is the only one which has been debilitating.

Here goes Round # 3!
