Settling into chemo

  • Into the third cycle


    We were out a very long time for the 3rd hospital intravenous appointment, but it went well and the greatest pleasure is not having so much arm tingling.  Could be a result of having a heat rap all the time it was going in or simple the really hot weather we have had. 

    Tiredness has of course gone on, but I didn't really appreciate how tired I get until yesterday when we went to my grandson's 'early' birthday party.…

  • Reality of second cycle


    Well, 6 days of doing a bit and sleeping a lot that suddenly gave way to a much more lively day on the 7th. Day 8 I had to pace myself but was delighted to get back to half an evening of singing with Cascade, our Barbershop group: the first time since my op in April! My friends have been really supportive, so I've resolved to go as often as possible in the next few months.

    Here comes the sun, we hope, so the…

  • Preparing for the next cycle


    This morning I saw saw my oncologist who was pleasantly surprised by my reaction to the first round. I must admit it was scary - tingling from the oxalyplatin with any contact with cold things, but I found ways to improve it, eg warming water a bit before washing vegetables, using the most affected hand quite a bit seemed to help and getting my husband to deal with anything to do with the freezer!

    Tiredness was the…

  • A brighter day


    Well, there's been some sun today and I had a long night, so things are brighter. We went to the Historic Dockyard in Portsmouth today to see the Mary Rose in its new museum - very impressive. We managed a floor of displays in detail but both of us decided to come back another time to do the rest justice.

    I had to admit I was too tired to go shopping for our lunch, so sat in the car while my husband got it. I…

  • The Third Week


    I've got into the much anticipated spell without the cap tablets - joy! and wondering why I feel down. I've managed to get on more with 'life' since the arm and hand tingling disappeared but cannot quite adjust to the feeling of low energy. It was particularly cruel when we went to a National Trust property, Mottisfont in Hampshire. This was day 11. It was a lovely day, we had a short 'introductory' tour of the grounds…