The Fear of Death

2 minute read time.

Hi Folks,

Sorry about the subject but I think it is one of the things in life we all have to face. What I have written is my own experiences of death and the effect it had on me personally.

So it all started way back in 1946. I was 3 yrs old. My Gran died, and being Irish it was an open coffin. I remember my Father lifting me up to the coffin and laying me beside my Gran,He said to me now give your Gran a kiss and a cuddle before she goes to heaven. I remember everyone was praying and crying,and I thought to myself why is everyone so upset. Some detail stuck in my mind like the fact why was she so cold or what was she doing with two pennies in on each eye. But the one thing I didnt feel was fear. In fact I felt at ease, no Panic. I would have happily lay with Gran, but my Dad lifted me out of the coffin then I felt why did he do that.

Anyway jump forward 3 Months and I ended up in Hospital with Dyptheria. I was in an Isolation ward.  Years later I learned from my Mum I wasnt expected to last the night. The only thing I can remember over the next fortnight. I had died Three times. But the three times I was supposed to have died the only thing I can remember was, me trying to open my eyes. There was no panic or feeling of fear,no lights or looking down on myself in the bed it was all very Beautiful and peace full. Then I had a sharp intake of breath, and there I was back in the bed. With nurses and Drs all around me and my Mum and Dad standing looking through the ward window crying there eyes out.

I could go on as it happened a further Three times under different circumstances. I Have held my Dads Hand as he died from Cancer of the stomach. I watched as my Mum  died and then my eldest Brother and Sister and last year my younger Brother of a heart attack out in Saudia Arabia..

To finish off which could been a long story. Even when I was diagnosed with my Aggressive Cancer of the Larynx,Thyroid, and Oesophagus. I can honestly say, that not once did I fear  or still  fear the thought of Death.

The one thing in my life now, which gives me more satisfaction is being a Member of Macmillan Cancer Support Group. For giving me the opportunity to help and share my experiences. With my Friends.

Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember


    Great blog, I am 44 years old and never seen a dead body (except that of pets).  I can't imagine putting a child in a coffin to kiss & cuddle a dead relative, but then perhaps that's why you have such an easy and relaxed approach about the subject.

    Lets hope its a long way off for either of us eh!

    Love & Strength,  Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Debs,

    I agree whole heartedly we have a long time to go yet.

    Your a long time dead.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Take care mate Hugs and love Jackie.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sarsfield

    Like you, I don't really fear death.  I've seen a lot of it, during my years as a nurse, and sadly, in my family and friends.  My worries are all about how my girls will cope when I'm no longer around..

    The bit that does worry me is the dying.  I know that pain relief etc. is much improved these days, and it's 19 years since my mum died and 14 years since my dad, but neither of them went easily.  So the 'what if's' sometimes get to me.

    I have to admit that I find some of the posts from family members about their loved ones deaths, very difficult and painful to read, so I'm very selective about what I look at on here now.  I know the realities, but I don't want my nose rubbed in them!

    In the meantime, as you know, I've planned my funeral etc, but I am hoping that I can beat the odds that the Onc gave me, and that it doesn't happen for a good long while!

    Here's to us both - and beating the odds!

    Love, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Dear Jackie,

    That was beautifully written, thank you for sharing those early memories with us. It seems that you have experienced so much, some of which was most sad. Yet you help so many people in this special are a star, my dear friend. Love, Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    Very touching and straightforwardly unafraid account of a difficult subject.  Really worth reading.  Thanks.  Cathy