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Well in the last 7 weeks I have had a liver resection & gallbladder removal to remove a tumour which surgeon said he felt was successful, after that had RFA to blast 2 tiny Tumours on my remaining kidney, the surgeon also said he felt that went successful......Had CT scan last Monday (firstly to see if RFA worked on the kidney tumours & secondly a usually CT scan after surgery to see if all removed or any new spread). I have oncology booked for this friday where I will get results,  I am fooling myself into hoping that because I have not had a phone call maybe theres nothing too urgent & I might just be lucky enough to get an all clear for a while, but then my dreams get shattered with the reality that I know it doesnt work like that, been here before wether good or bad I will not know until I walk into that room on friday. 

Along with the madness of the last 7 weeks I also got married so am in such a happy place at the moment & want to get on with life now, I know I am going to have to live with my type of cancer for the rest of it but just for a while dont want to fear that I wont see my children be adults, I just want to enjoy the next 10 years whilst they are children........could my luck change & give me my wish, lets hope so!

