Bad bad day

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Today I learned that my kidney cancer had returned in my remaining kidney & also tumour on my liver, all three are very small & I am waiting for date for surgery to remove all three hopefully with one big op.

Whats hard is for the first time in my life I am happy, getting married in september have three wonderful children......and then this shattering news.  Think I need to accept reality that my cancer will keep coming back but dont want to leave three young children behind.....emotions are all over the place at moment, Im trying to stay strong but its hard. x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sarah,

    You are strong a lot stronger than you think. You are looking at your situation realistically accept that your Cancer will keep coming back. But will it? That you cant say until you have had your op and treatment,and test results then and only then will you have an idea what to accept. So I wouldnt go

    putting things off in September Just yet,after all you have 3 beautiful Children to look after. Im Not trying to build your hopes up. Just giving you something to think about,so be Positive and see what the future holds. Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs love

  • FormerMember

    Hi sarsfield,

    Thankyou for your reply & yes it is very true there are no guarantees that it will come back & if it does I will fight it again.

    Thankyou for your positive thoughts really help at a time like this.

    take care  sarah x x x