Moving on

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My post radiotherapy appointment, with Dr Payne’s team, was at UCLH on 28 June 2014.  The young doctor who saw me told me my psa was unrecordable and I told her the R/T experience had been a lot less traumatic than I had feared. Side effects were minimal and I was feeling pretty good. She suggested l stop the hormone tablets immediately. This was a pleasant surprise to me as Dr Payne had suggested otherwise. However, when we checked with Dr Payne, she said that I should continue to take the bicalutamide for three months after finishing R/T, until the end of August 2014. The hormone tablets keep the psa very low, so only when the tablets are stopped will we have a real measure of success. I see her again on September 10. Recently, the wife and I travelled to France and Germany to visit nieces, nephews and daughter, who lives in Augsburg and is expecting her first child in mid-August. Something very important to look forward towards.
