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Was diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer March last year had op reversal and chemo now been told spread to liver and lungs!  Have to have MRI scan Tuesday devastated don’t know where to turn or who to talk to.  Has anyone any idea what comes next or do I just assume my times up!  Just feel like taking overdose!
  • FormerMember

    Hi Sad Caz,  ok my suggestion to you is to contact a specialist macmillan counsellor who can direct you to a person to speak to and put things into perspective.  I can only imagine what you must be going through, I am the carer for someone with cancer.  There are always degrees of these things and until you know these (MRI will show these) please do not assume the worst - what is it they say, "its not over till the fat lady sings" and I aint singing yet! Do not give up this fight, the fact that you are on this site and you are putting your fears out there means there is a lot of fight left in you yet!  Have you got any family members you can talk to about this.  Until Tuesday, find a mac counsellor you can chat to it should be in the How we can help section and thrash it out.  I hope to see you back messaging soon. xxx

  • FormerMember

    I am so sorry to hear your devastating news.

    Jules is right you need to see someone you can talk to and get reassurance from..

    I have had bowel cancer and I have a Colorectal nurse could you not give her a ring to discuss your fears.

    My heart go's out to you love Julie x

  • Hi Caz, This is my second try at posting to you so lets hope this one works.

    I just want to reassure you that you have lots of chemotherapy treatments still to consider and other types of treatment too. Dr Lenz in America does explain well that current chemo treatments do still have a way to go kill of micro disease but does continue to act well on actual tumours.

    Bowel cancer in some cases can be treated as a chronic condition and the chemo can in some cases help people become operable.This has been the case for my mum. She still has a good life two years later.

    You may want to chat it through with your Gp . I know it is such a scary time but please be assured

    that there is more treatment available.

    We are here to offer reassurance and help you find your feet. It will happen.

    Take care


  • FormerMember

    Hi Caz,

    I agree with what all the Ladies above recomend. No more talk of taking overdoses. You have a long way to go yet. As Jules says " It aint over till the fat lady sings " and I dont hear any singing. All the best and good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much for your replies.  Before I started chemo was told it was stage 3 and 2 out of 18 nodules wwere shown to have cancer. I had capcicabine (not sure how its spelt) and only finished it January.  My first scan was two weeks ago today and I was phoned more or less straight away to be told the devastating news.  I was told only 2 out of 100 develop it back so quick so must be very unlucky.

    I keep thinking what if I don't take any of the treatment and try to carry on as I feel so well but guess that if I am offered anything an operation and chemo was suggested I would jump at it.  Need to have MRI results and also talk of a PET scan to see how far its spread.  

    If anyone has had treatment for secondaries would like to hear from you.  I have two on the liver and one in the lung.