love oneanother

1 minute read time.

Well my Dad was devestated when i got cancer he cried so much bless him now im feeling much better and he goes n collapses.  He had a quad heart opp five weeks ago n then on Fri he collapses, they operated there n then and his aorta burst flooding his body with blood.  they put  stainless steel in his body.  Yesterday he looked alot better and despite a bandage that i saw was bloody and alot of bruising caused by what me n him call the vampire blood taker he asked for chocolate!  Bless.

 I keep complaing too many visitors at next patients bed 7!!! cmon.  They left him in corridor unattended waiting for a scan for an hr grrr and is there any way they can find a vein without bruising the whole of his arm?  If someone did that to you in the street they would be had up for assult.  Also his pillow was soaked in blood.

I may of course be avoiding my sorrow at seeing him so ill, at the thought of loosing my best friend and the unconditional love i get from him.  I feel devestated n work holds no interest for me.  I just want to be at the hospital playing with the machines with him i said to him bring your handbag wee bag n he said it doesnt match my outfit lol.

xxxxx Ruth

Hes talking of us going to Wales again when he is better.  Bless him.

  • FormerMember

    hi roof ,

    Im so sorry to hear about your dad xxhugsxx, I havent been in chat for a cple weeks or so, didnt realise what had happend to him til i read it here. glad he is asking for chocolate and seems to be improving, angry about the treatment though!!!!! Your dad sounds as if he has a good sense of humour roofy and you so obviously love each other dearly. My brother in law had a similar op about 7rs ago, after a cple of similar things happening to him he is well now and enjoys life to the full so fingers crossed that this is just a blip a big blip but im sending you my good vibes with lots of love and hugs xxxxxx he is lucky in that he has a wonderful daughter who looks out for him xx

    lots and lots of love for you both, and wales is beautiful , make sure you make that trip eh?

    fuzzball xxxxxxxxxxxx oh ty for email hun, xx

  • FormerMember

    sorry to hear bout you dad hunnie but i know what you mean bout the care i used to work in a nursing home for bout 10 yr and trust some ppl should just not be nurses / carers thats why i left as was sick of it and no matter how much i complained nothing seemed to be done , makes me sick so it does xx