emotions all over the place

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Went to see specialist 23rd dec to be told surgery is the only option left for me so it is booked for 25th feb. What a xmas present. Im trying my hardest to keep it together but Im either really angry or I cry over nothing. I dont seem to have any normal feelings any more. I havent actually been out shopping or anything for over a year because my bladder is such a problem so you would think I would be thinking of the future and that I will eventually be able to go out but I cant. Im just feeling fed up, angry, sad, scared, tired and depressed. Is there any lady out there who has had this procedure who can give me any advise or just to tell me to pull myself together and think myself lucky Im still here cos at the moment it dont feel like it. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Rosie,

    Im not a Female. But I can tell you all the feelings you have at the moment I have been going throuigh this last 12 yrs. So I do know how you feel. Beleive me.

    as for telling you to pull yourself together that is an natural feeling we all have had on this site. All the best and Good Luck on the 25th Feb.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    I know it's hard for you and to your family as well. I've never been in your situation but I know how bad it feels to know someone close to you being in such situation. My world really feel down when I learned that my father is suffering from <a title="Possibility of prostate cancer may be dependent on size of index finger" href="personalmoneystore.com/.../"> Cancer of the prostate</a>. It really felt so bad and I kept on asking God why. But I had no choice but to be strong for him. So, rosie just be strong and keep your faith solid.

  • FormerMember

    rosie we are all here for you darling im fairly new to this site but the kindness and love ive been show is so lovely ive been up down angry sad tearful horrid nasty you name it but ive come on here done my blog and when ive gone back i have had the most encouraging comments so ive picked myself up and got on with the day does help to write it all down stay strong and keep that smile take care and hope 2011 will be positive and healthy

    if ya need someone we are always here

    loads of love and hugs jenxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Rosie, it's all quite scary for you, and it always happens so quickly you can't quite get you'd head around it, surgery wise, it's easy to get yourself wound up, and I'm not trying to trivialise it.... I've had 8 surgeries.... But I try and put it to the back of my mind and not actually think of what is being done to me, but just that it could be saving my life, and..... I go to sleep and when I wake up it's done, it works for me, the rest, you take one thing on at a time, and plan some sort of celebration for your finish date for each treatment you have to go through..... I don't nessisarily mean a party lol, anything big (holiday) or small (new pair of shoes) just to Mark the occasion.....

    Good luck


