Delayed R/C has anyone had theirs put back

1 minute read time.

Well I was almost ready to go in for my RC tomorrow, got up early just so I could have a cup of tea as they told me not to eat all day and drink only clear liquid or strained soup which I dont like, had pre assesment, got marked up for where the bag is going, felt really anxious and then I got a phone call to say they have to postpone it till next friday. Dont know if Im relieved or not. I had all my house in order well stocked with food and all spring cleaned for my daughter who lives at home as she is in full time colllege, so today I slept on and off all day. I think where I wasnt sleeping as I was worrying I just crashed and I will have to start again next week with all the same emotions. I just hope they dont delay again. My cancer keeps coming back and I am scared if they put it off any more it may spread. Has anyone had this happen to them and did they get it done soon after. Well thats got that off my mind, just had to get my feelings out, sorry. Thanks x Rosie 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Rosie,

    You have nothing to be sorry about,its only natural that a delay like that would have you worried. But yes it has happened to me as well and i did get it done soon after. So will you. Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hope they get on with your op Rosie. Waiting is the hardest part.

    Hugs Rosiebird xx