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Had MRI today to see if cancer has spread before RC in late feb. Results next week. Glad thats over. I asked for a sedative before which I was given but it didnt work as I take anti depressants and they did warn me it may not work. 45 minutes of sheer panic, the noise didnt bother me just the narrowness of the tunnel. They did allow me to keep most of my head out which helped.  Im glad I stuck it to the end though, at least next week I will know that  after RC if Im going to be cancer free or not. Sorry just had to get it off my chest.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Rosie,

    All the best for next week and your results. Glad you got through your scan o/k. Good luck

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Glad you got through it, sorry the sedative didn't work though.  Fingers crossed for good results.x

  • FormerMember

    Glad you managed the scan.

    I've always persevered thinking i'll only have to go through it again.

    I manage these scans by dreaming i'm on a beach & the noise is the waves crashing against the shoreline. (I had my head clamped still & was fully in the machine)

  • FormerMember

    oh bless rosie im the same hun so claustrophobic cant even go in a lift im so bad and the pet scan for me was the worst in there for ages and so uncomfortable im sure they ignored my moans on purpose until i eventually told them i was going to shimmy right out of it if they didnt stop lol and believe me i would have girl.....good luck with your results hun will be thinking of you loads of love n hugs jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    I am the other way round.....I go in head first and am clamped to the table........I am claustrophobic (not to the point of sedation) and always forget just how narrow those bloomin things are and as I go in I always let out a loud gasp - I am sure it amuses the guys in the booth!

    I only go in halfway but that's more than far enough!  I just shut my eyes & try to chant to the beat of the machine noise - not out loud cos I'd look like a right nutter eh lol  just things like "there's noth - thing there" and if the noise changes I find other words to fit.........writing this down it looks really stupid but it gets me through the scan.

    I get a break halfway when they pull me out and pump me full of contrast. Was having them every 3 months, now every 6 months, so guess I better get used to them!

    Glad you got through Rosie and the very best of luck with your results.

    Love & Strength, Debs xx