much better

1 minute read time.

sorry its been so long but things hadn't  improved with the water infectons. finally had T.u.r.p.s on March 4th the 5 day stay in hospital was eventful to say the least, i thought I was doing well but on the 3rd day the cathetor started leaking and I drowned the bed 3 times in about  6 hours, Embarrassing ?.so they finally decided to take it out, What a relief. Then my stomach took a massive dislike to one of the tablets they gave me (amlopodine I think) and I was violently sick kept thinking "I'm well blessed here " My blood pressure was up and down like a yo yo and to top it all on the day i was due to be discharged they insisted that I would have to go home with a cathetor fitted even after all the problems i had previously had. They eventually relented when I asked them to check me records that showed i had been using self cathetorisation for quite some, boy was I glad to get out of there.Saw my specialist 1o days later who was very pleased with the way things were now going and did not want to see me again for 6 months. Have to say that things are going better than I dared have hoped.. 

