Rootys way

  • much better


    sorry its been so long but things hadn't  improved with the water infectons. finally had T.u.r.p.s on March 4th the 5 day stay in hospital was eventful to say the least, i thought I was doing well but on the 3rd day the cathetor started leaking and I drowned the bed 3 times in about  6 hours, Embarrassing ?.so they finally decided to take it out, What a relief. Then my stomach took a massive dislike to one of the tablets…

  • Back on track?.


    Saturday 2nd November saw mr Antill who seemed very pleased with my general progress, PSA  down again but my prostate size had  increased slightly and this was probably the reason for my continual water infections. next stage is for me to be admitted for a few days so the prostate could be shaved, (his words not mine)  biopsies taken and a bladder examination at the same time, Kill two birds with one stone I suppose. Couldn…

  • Big let down.


    Monday 20th October my appointment, no mr Konerue so it looks like a wasted journey. Nurse offers to go and make enquiries.comes back and says, "your psa has gone down but we haven't received results of your mri scan so there is no point in the duty doctor seeing you because he cannot tell me anything" she then made a new appointment for 2nd of November its only a few days away now so no real harm done I suppose.…

  • need to know


    had my p s a yesterday (plus that bleedin flu jab) but the improvement with waterworks has come to a full stop with another water infection so now got to have further investigations (biopsy etc) and an m r i scan tomorrow. follow that with another appointment with Mr Konerue (my specialist) next monday so it looks as if they are trying to get me sorted. only downside is it could take up to 18 weeks before i get the biopsy…

  • Looks like an improvement.


    Been really fed up of the constant water infections and the side effects of the Zoladex  but maybe, just maybe, I think I have seen the worst of it. My own doctor has been very supportive no matter how many times I have been to see him giving me no end of encouragement even though I ask him the same questions whenever I see him. Next week I am due for my next Zoladex implant, Following week, another PSA blood test and…