Reversal dilemma

2 minute read time.

Hello I'm Shaun, this is my first time on the site so I'm not entirely sure of how it works. 

My situation is that I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in May 2016, I underwent radio and chemotherapy and in November 2016 I had surgery to remove the tumor and as a result I was given an ileostomy. I hated having to wear a bag and the issues that went with it I was desperate to have the reversal that my consultant said I should be able to have and although I was told that because my tumor was low in my large intestine and that my bowel movement would never be as it was I couldn't wait.

Seventeen months later which included a further six months of chemotherapy, in April 2018 I had my reversal. Initially I had no control over my bowel movement at all, I was prescribed lapiromide which helped but it was still very difficult. Over time my situation did improve and I have been able to reduce the medication. However five years on I'm still suffering continence issues, I'm very limited in what I can do and where I can go. I no longer really socialise that much and flights to holiday destinations are out of the question, I have tried but with bad consequences. Whenever I do go out anywhere I'm ancious that I'm going to have a mishap and often have. Full days out with my daughters and grandchildren are very few and far between even looking after my young grandson has its problems.

Just over a year ago I spoke to my GP about my trouble and he referred me back to a colon rectal consultant. I saw him in April, he told me that the problem was caused because my tumor was so low and following surgery there was very little left to join, he arranged another colonoscopy which I've now had and thankfully it was clear. He also asked me what I ultimately wanted to do, I said I think I'll need to have my reversal reversed which he said he could do but it would be a colostomy this time as it will be more manageable. 

I'm waiting for another appointment to see him which I expect to be next month. 

I was wondering if there is anybody else on this platform that is either having or has had a similar experience as myself and could possibly offer some advice and guidance. 

Apologies for writing such a long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. 

Best regards. 


  • Hi  

    It’s Megan here from Macmillan’s Online Community team. I came across your post and wanted to firstly welcome you to the site. I'm sorry to hear of the reasons why you have joined the Community but I am glad you are reaching out for some support. 

    We have lots of groups you are welcome to join and I wondered if you were looking to post in our Bowel (colon and rectal) cancer forum today? I'm asking as it sounds like you are looking to connect with others who share similar experiences and our Community groups are a good place to chat to others in a similar situation.

    Alongside the Bowel (colon and rectal) cancer forum, there's the Living well with a stoma reversal’ forum in our Ileostomy, colostomy, and stoma support group that you are welcome to join.

    To start a discussion, you will firstly need to join the group by clicking the grey ‘click to join’ banner towards the bottom of the page. Then you can start a discussion by clicking the ‘+new’ or ‘+’ button near the group title. I’ll add an image below to help explain.

    Bowel cancer forum page with red arrow to the join button and red circle to the + button

    If you would like us to move this post to either our Bowel (colon and rectal) cancer forum or the Living well with a stoma reversal’ forum please do let us know and we can do this for you.

    We can also help you navigate and use the Online Community if you need a helping hand. To help in the meantime, you may find the step by step information and tutorial videos in our Help pages useful.

    Please don’t hesitate to email if you have any questions about the above or need some additional support. You can also send a private message to the Moderator account

    Best wishes, 

    Macmillan's Online Community team