Maybe I will read it soon. This is how I remember it without reading the diary...

2 minute read time.
26th January 1985... The day I married Alfie. I was 3 1/2 months pregnant, much to my mom and dads despair! Lol the only reason I got away with it with my dad, was that we had already set a date to marry in the July...catching pregnant just meant we brought it forward a month or two! :0o Alfie was a very popular man. The life and soul of all the parties we got invited to... And we got invited to loads, because Alfie was such a fun bloke. Very kind and very loyal. We were happy....very happy and three kids later, and a new house we thought we had it all. Little did we realise! Alfie had this cough....we used to call it his 'winter cough' because he always got it every winter without fail. This particular winter (1992) his cough just wouldn't go. It was keeping him awake at night and I was worried about him driving to work and being so tired that he would fall asleep at the wheel! So...I made him go to the doctors. Alfie never liked the doctors, never had a day off sick in all the time we had been married, couldn't stand people who were lazy. The GP examined his chest and decided he had a chest infection. Alfie was given a weeks worth of antibiotics. These seemed to work and the cough eased. However, when the course finished the cough came back with a vengeance. Alfie returned to the doctors and he again examined him. He said he wasn't happy with his chest and asked Alfie to go to the chest clinic in Birmingham for an x-ray (if I remember rightly it was on Great Charles Street) not sure if it's still there?  I digress.... Alfie and I went there together, and he had his x-ray. They didn't tell us anything there and then and we went home, not really thinking much more about it.  Alfie was in work the next morning when I got a call the next day from alfie's GP. He told me not to panic, but the chest clinic had been in touch and Alfie had a 'shadow' on his left lung. He said this could be anything and not to worry too much, however, they wanted (the chest clinic) Alfie to go back for a 'more indepth x-ray'...whatever that was! they wanted to see him that same day.  I called Alfie at work and explained... He wasn't happy having to leave work but came and picked me up and off we went again into Birmingham City Centre. We arrived about mid-day and Alfie had his second x-ray...nobody said anything to us, just that the details would be passed onto the GP. 