I'm lost

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Hi everyone,


Never done a blog before or even belonged to an online community - but I want to give this a try.

What I should have said for my open line was - Hello....I'm pleased to me you. I've recently been diagnosed with Breat cancer (DCIS) and I feel quite alone right now.

Going to the hospital in a moment to talk about reconstruction surgery and my mastectomy.

These are words I thought I'd never hear myself saying.

Anyway - while I'm at the hospital, I really hope someone says "Hello". I'll check when I get home.

Really looking forward to talk to people. See you.


  • FormerMember

    Dear RedRoses,

    As someone who has been through a mastectomy, reconstruction, now waiting for a nipple tattoo, and come out of it feeling very positive, I would like to say 'hello'.

    There are lots of lovely people on this site who will give you some great support (they did with me) and I am quite happy to answer any questions you might have, if I am able.

    I hope your appointment with the surgeons went well, I know I was quite overawed at the beginning but it does get better.

    Lots of hugs



  • FormerMember

    I had mastectomy and reconstruction 2 weeks ago, and went back to hospital yesterday to have dressings removed. Must say I am thrilled with results, not nearly so bad as I thought. Still got a way to go yet (had saline implant which will need adding to over a while) but so far so good. I think the fear of the unknown is actually more daunting than the op itself. Good luck, and hope you have as good an outcome as I have xx

  • FormerMember

    hi im new to this forum im very nervous as im goin in for an op tomorrow morning. Having a lump removed out my breast n my lymph nodes removed, i m nervous bout been put to sleep ,and when can i use my left arm again and do things i normally do , then its the thought of the drainage bag to . so many thigs to take in wish it was all over with .trying to be brave though .Wish everyone well .lynda