I'm lost

Less than one minute read time.

Hi everyone,


Never done a blog before or even belonged to an online community - but I want to give this a try.

What I should have said for my open line was - Hello....I'm pleased to me you. I've recently been diagnosed with Breat cancer (DCIS) and I feel quite alone right now.

Going to the hospital in a moment to talk about reconstruction surgery and my mastectomy.

These are words I thought I'd never hear myself saying.

Anyway - while I'm at the hospital, I really hope someone says "Hello". I'll check when I get home.

Really looking forward to talk to people. See you.


  • FormerMember

    Hi RedRoses.  

    Hope your hospital appointment went okay.  Although not a cancer sufferer myself I know people who are suffering get a great deal of support and help on this site so keep blogging!


  • FormerMember

    Hello Redroses!

    I felt just like you when I joined this site 2 years ago.  I don't have the same cancer as you ...  but the feelings are just the same!  There are loads of lovely ladies here with BC and I'm sure you will find an incredible amount of support.  I know I coiuldn't have got through it without my 'virtual family'- I've made lifelong friends here.

    Good luck with your operation and I look forward to seeing you online again when you get home.

    Love and hugs, Kate xxx

  • Hi Redroses,

    Welcome to the site (or as some call it 'The club no-one wants to join'). This is the best place ever for support because we are all in the same boat and its a very scary place some of  the time. Do feel free to share bad news and good and know  someone will be listening.

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    hey hun.....you shall never be alone now you have joined us lot, like Kate says there are alot of girlies on here that can help you, and we are fighters together love. Try and stay strong and here is to your new amazing friendships on here. Hello new mate.....love Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Redroses and welcome,

    This site has been a real life saver to me and I am sure will be to you.  Try and stay positive

    Love  and hugs
