The story so far Christmas

2 minute read time.

My husband Melvyn was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer in July 09.He had no symptoms up until a week before he was admitted to hospital.He had a bad back and because he had previously had 3 operations to reconstruct his spine and always had a degree of back pain we assumed it was his old back problem.We were wrong, it was bone involvement from the Cancer in his lungs.When we discovered it was Cancer the doctors told me my husband had a few days to live.That there was nothing they could do as they didnt feel he was well enough for Chemotherapy.Something changed over the next few days, his performance status slightly improved and the oncologist decided to do some last chance Chemo.They then said he had got 2 weeks or up to 2years.Melvyn had 6 months of Chemo and began to feel quite fit.In May of this year his Onclogist told him that he was in 'remission' which I at the time questioned.'No,he is in remission and if and when the Cancer comes back we will do some more Chemo' said the Doctor.Melvyn had slept a lot through his treatment but we were told it was the after effects of the Chemo nothing else.

On July 10th this year Melvyn had a fit in the bedroom, it was a Sunday morning,luckily I'm with him at the time.An Ambulance was called and he was admitted. One CT scan later and we are told that he has multiple brain tumours.I then find out that excessive sleeping in people with Lung Cancer can indicate mets to the brain.I had to fight for Radiotherapy to try to shrink the tumours. He has a weeks worth of RT and seems to slightly improve and returns home.The following Tuesday he hardly gets out of bed and cant manage his hospital appointment with his Oncologist.His Oncologist returns my call and tells me he can do nothing more for my Husband that his Cancer is everywhere Lungs,Brain ,Stomach,Liver. and to expect his to pass in the next week.Melvyn dies the following morning at home as planned with me by his side.Thats how quickly life can change.

Its now been 4 months since he passed and this is the hardest thing Ive ever had to do, live without him.Christmas is around the corner and its proving harder to deal with than I thought it would as I cant seem to escape it.Im tired of people asking me to go out for Christmas parties and having to expalin why I dont want to go. I'm tired of explaining why I'm not sending Cards and gifts and I'm tired of people asking me with pitiful expressions what I'm doing for Christmas. Im sorry if I dont feel very festive my husband has just died....apologies all round

  • FormerMember

    Never, ever apologise. I feel desperately inadequate, but my heart goes out to you. Christmas is just a day, and our last four have been pretty grim in our family. I find the whole hype about it nauseating.

    All my love,

    ALi   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    oh red huni, i dont need to say anything ,except as you know i know sadly exactly how your feeling, im here if you need me , love and hugs jenni xxx

  • FormerMember

    Theres nothing i can say to ease your pain, i know that, except your friends in chat, myself included, are here for you to talk to and you have our support.

    You do what you feel like doing and dont be pressured.

    take care xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi red

    I too know the feeling. The christmas thing is hard, for you probably worse than me, I am still not back at work and that is one of the main reasons I don't wish to try before the new year. ( oh god, a new year). You have done so well, I think that all of us who still come to this site have done better then anyone has a right to expect, we have not dissapeared into a hole but keep battling/swimming/ fighting because they would want us to. Keep going and i'll see you in the chat room some time.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Red,

    Thankyou for sharing your harrowing tale with us, your new friends, who really do have a clear understanding of just what heartache you are going through.

    I don't have any words to ease your pain, no one does and the only words of advice I have is never be rushed, we all cope at different speeds and in our own ways.your speed is the right speed for you !

    Love and Hugs

    John xx