life as a career

1 minute read time.

Feb 24 2013, seems a long time a go to most people, but that was when my wife had surgery for grade 4 colon cancer.

A CT scan later proved that she had cancer of the liver as well, 5 in total.

Now 16 chemotherapy treatments later, we start again without the chemotherapy its a unknown amout of time but working with the advastan antibody only treatment hopefully some normal life will return.

The rollercoster ride was NOT in any of or minds, but thats how it feels emontally.

As the Career its been very hard, times I feel like cinderalla gone wrong theres no knight in shinning armour not for me anyway, im a ladys man if you get my drift?

I need time out, but how can I ?

Family come, but its more work for me and the wife is exuasted. they are her kids from a previous marraige and well shes mum and she looks after the kids even thou shes not able.

Me im sleeping in a seperate room, clothes and all. Not my choice.

I spend my time looking after my wife, i am the career now, not husband nor friend, but with the moral responsability to look after my wife.

The stress is showing and i am reaching out for help.

I might even leave the family home and still come and care thats how bad things have gone.

Well thats my blog


  • FormerMember

    Now feeling very alone, since no response?


    I appreciate, I was very forthright with my current and future situation, and it’s just taking its toll trying to take all of the “Loopholes” or what you’re not allowed to claim for into account.


    I find myself in a unique but not alone situation.


    My wife has limited time; I should, being responsible husband listen to her request to secure her funeral arrangements.


    You must believe me making these plans bring to the fore, how little we all plan for these times.


    With both of or parents dead and living on benefit with no property or life insurance, I found myself having to ask for help.

    This was the hardest thing I ever had to do!


    I am in need of a response to finical help, even privately.