Stop hitting the bottle!

1 minute read time.

Recently, due to stress and my inability to cope with it healthily...I have been hitting the bottle a tad too much. Thursday night I can't even remember calling my fella...the one bright point in my life right now...and giving him a load of grief. It's affecting my health, my job, my relationship. 

I know I need to stop drinking but I'm so lonely and depressed. I'm moving back to the parents place tonight which will hopefully help, and am going to see me doc. I'm just spiralling downwards really quickly and everything feels out of control. 

I'm consumed with guilt. Guilt that I haven't been helping out at parents/seeing my Dad more. Guilt that I'm not coping with this very well. Guilt that I'm not being a very good girlfriend. Guilt that I'm not being a very good colleague. This is not good because I get thoughts of self harm and do this whole self-hate thing.

I'm consumed with anger. Anger that my Dad is being taken away from me slowly and painfully. Anger that I'm not coping better. Anger that nobody around me can understand how I feel. Anger at myself that I'm not able to tell people how I feel. Anger that I don't really understand how I feel. This is not good because I am up and down like a yo-yo and it makes it not very nice to be around me.

I don't know whether to go back on antidepressants, to cut off my social life (thereby cutting off alcohol), to go to counselling...I just don't know where the help I need/want is. I just need help. 

  • FormerMember

    Did you call the helpline hev? It sounds like a good idea.Do reach out for help.If anti depressants have helped before then they hopefully will again.They wont be a cure all but just help you to cope.Best wishes xx

  • FormerMember

    Alcoholics anonymous for anyone where alcohol is affecting your life.Many many people who attend their meetings have changed their life completely and have had many years of sobriety and a more pleasant life.Phone A.A, national helpline as they are very helpful and confidential and if worried or scared to go to a meeting they will arrange for someone to meet you and go in with you.Believe me it is the only thing what works! Please try

  • FormerMember

    i,m pretty much in the same situation hun, its so hard. i have hubby n family but its so hard to express just how i feel even to them, i have only just joined this site but still cant express feelings but they are good people and understand its good to talk outside of your day to day life xxx

  • FormerMember

    hi hev I talked to you a few days ago in chat.  I hope things are a little better for you now.  As I said to you then I think it is natural reaction you are having and by saying it out to us you are reaching out for support so you can move away from the bottle.

    We are all here for you.

    Take care

  • FormerMember

    hi Hev how are you feeling iam struggerling with the stress of knowing my husband is ill ive been drinking to much myself its the only time i feel sligh tly carm i  no its the wrong thing to do have you moved back in with your parents yet hopefully it will help and you can spend some precious time together i have good freind but i thnk they just dont know what to say everyone carrys on as normal as though nothing is wrong im sure your boyfreind understands may be just dosnt no what to say try and take one day at a time try not to shut the people you love  out talk to them may be they understand more than you think look after youself love lottiex