
1 minute read time.

Last week I wrote about Shawn's birthday. This week I'm writing about his seizure. Exactly a week after Shawn turned 42 he had his first general seizure, and hopefully the last general seizure. Shawn's had focal seizures since his biopsy; little stomache 'spasm's' or his right leg twitching and only lasting for a few seconds.But I have never witnessed anything so scary as someone fitting. Only good thing to come out of it was the fact that he can't remember any of it, and the fact that he didn't have an infection or a bleed on the brain, all confirmed at the local hospital, was also of some comfort.

Still, the consultant is pleased with his reaction to radiotherapy, which is good news. I assumed she would up the dex dosage, but she hasn't, much to Shawn's relief. And now he's also on Keppra ( for the seizures) as well as his daily blood thinning injection.

I asked her on Monday what's next, after his last bout of radiotherapy on the 13th May. He's to go back in 6 weeks for a consultation follwed by a scan 3 months after the last radiotherapy appointment.

Three months seems such a long time to wait. Anyway, let's hope there's nothing else on the horizon.

Love to all.

Rachel xox
