
  • My beautiful Shawn has gone.


    The horizon came last week. Shawn passed away on the 7th July at 9.30 am, St John's Hospital. He was doing so well, we had so much hope. After finishing radiotherapy the Doc's were keen to start Shawn on chemo. But exactly a week after being given the good news, Shawn suffered a bleed to the brain, and it was too late, I couldn't help him, no one could.

    I held his hand and stroked his arm and watched my…

  • Seizure


    Last week I wrote about Shawn's birthday. This week I'm writing about his seizure. Exactly a week after Shawn turned 42 he had his first general seizure, and hopefully the last general seizure. Shawn's had focal seizures since his biopsy; little stomache 'spasm's' or his right leg twitching and only lasting for a few seconds.But I have never witnessed anything so scary as someone fitting. Only good thing to come out of…

  • Shawn's birthday.


    Today, 24th April, Shawn turned 42. My gorgeous husband is half way through his radiotherapy treatment for an inoperable GBM.

    The sun came out for a couple of hours, which isn't that usual for Scotland, but nonetheless, it was a beautiful day. A couple of friends and a BBQ were in order to celebrate Shawn's birthday.

    Tomorrow is an early radiotherapy appointment, instead of 10.40 am it's been pushed back to…